Argonaut Global Macro Fund Ltd

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1436
Current Score: 88
Current Rank: 1436
All-time Average Rank: 951
All-time Average Score: 173
Max Drawdown: -17.70
Annualized Standard Deviation: 7.24
Year to Date Return: -9.91
5-Star Rating: 7.24

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1436 244 88 -12 -1.40% Unknown -17.70 -13.27 $7,000,000
April / 2016 1680 -559 100 19 -0.17% Unknown -16.48 -14.29 $8,000,000
March / 2016 1121 -466 81 -31 -3.95% Unknown -18.37 -14.02 $8,000,000
February / 2016 655 90 112 17 -0.07% Unknown -11.90 -16.30 $8,000,000
January / 2016 745 -323 95 -103 -4.58% Unknown -8.56 -13.86 $9,000,000
November / 2015 422 307 198 21 2.23% Unknown 3.49 -6.60 $11,000,000
October / 2015 729 -83 177 0 -0.45% Unknown 5.11 -10.77 $11,000,000
August / 2015 646 -27 177 -24 -1.37% Unknown 4.55 -5.77 $12,000,000
July / 2015 619 201 201 27 0.54% Unknown 4.52 -0.92 $12,000,000
June / 2015 820 -185 174 -27 -3.47% Unknown 6.86 -5.64 $12,000,000
May / 2015 635 189 201 20 -0.03% Unknown 9.50 -0.49 $13,000,000
April / 2015 824 -348 181 -42 -2.46% Unknown 8.36 -3.52 $13,000,000
March / 2015 476 184 223 11 3.57% Unknown 9.17 -1.45 $15,000,000
February / 2015 660 142 212 29 3.79% Unknown 3.48 -3.22 $15,000,000
January / 2015 802 248 183 15 1.27% Unknown -0.20 -6.23 $14,000,000
December / 2014 1050 9 168 -7 2.18% Unknown -6.23 -6.62 $14,000,000
November / 2014 1059 579 175 58 3.80% Unknown -4.00 -7.64 $16,000,000
October / 2014 1638 -792 117 -101 -6.72% Unknown -4.43 -7.58 $23,000,000
September / 2014 846 527 218 65 3.99% Unknown 2.22 0.17 $27,000,000
August / 2014 1373 -381 153 -28 -1.41% Unknown -0.72 -1.29 $26,000,000
July / 2014 992 1337 181 35 2.85% Unknown -0.75 -2.16 $27,000,000
June / 2014 2329 -952 146 -9 -1.09% Unknown -3.15 -1.89 $27,000,000
May / 2014 1377 -136 155 -3 -1.03% Unknown -4.34 -1.46 $43,000,000
April / 2014 1241 -57 158 -25 -1.72% Unknown -4.57 0.98 $43,000,000
March / 2014 1184 -530 183 -45 -1.82% Unknown 1.05 2.16 $48,000,000
February / 2014 654 55 228 21 1.06% Unknown 5.48 2.68 $93,000,000
January / 2014 709 -312 207 -65 -4.91% Unknown 2.98 3.23 $165,000,000
November / 2013 397 65 272 15 3.27% Unknown 11.14 6.82 $231,000,000
October / 2013 462 0 257 New -0.21% Unknown 9.14 8.11 $349,000,000


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Argonaut Global Macro Fund Ltd's best month was September 2014, ranked #846 with a HedgeScore of 218 earning a 3.99% positive return of $1,077,300.

Argonaut Global Macro Fund Ltd's worst month was October 2014 , ranked #1638 with a HedgeScore of 117 taking a -6.72% loss of -$1,545,600.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!