Aston Hill Opportunities Fund Sr F

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1035
Current Score: 130
Current Rank: 1035
All-time Average Rank: 821
All-time Average Score: 183
Max Drawdown: -8.06
Annualized Standard Deviation: 4.92
Year to Date Return: -3.04
5-Star Rating: 4.92

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1035 185 130 -6 -0.19% Unknown -7.16 $290,451
April / 2016 1220 -393 136 -9 -0.19% Unknown -7.00 $555,904
March / 2016 827 -323 145 11 0.27% Unknown -7.32 $598,691
February / 2016 504 -7 134 -2 -1.19% Unknown -6.77 $843,013
January / 2016 497 21 136 -48 -1.77% Unknown -5.11 $821,245
November / 2015 518 185 184 2 0.27% Unknown 1.02 $919,267
October / 2015 703 -395 182 -46 -0.18% Unknown 3.31 $1,112,592
August / 2015 308 537 228 52 1.86% Unknown 5.69 $9,770,763
July / 2015 845 -198 176 -16 -1.05% Unknown 5.20 $9,974,312
June / 2015 647 115 192 4 0.19% Unknown 5.92 $10,323,314
May / 2015 762 25 188 3 -0.02% Unknown 7.01 $10,068,549
April / 2015 787 -121 185 -15 -0.53% Unknown 8.08 $10,917,841
March / 2015 666 110 200 2 0.87% Unknown 8.22 $10,541,541
February / 2015 776 1 198 13 0.57% Unknown 8.28 $10,330,467
January / 2015 777 -56 185 -15 -0.42% Unknown 9.58 $9,519,046
December / 2014 721 11 200 -6 0.94% Unknown 10.53 $8,441,608
November / 2014 732 46 206 10 2.54% Unknown 11.50 $7,521,537
October / 2014 778 650 196 9 0.74% Unknown 11.78 $6,532,471
September / 2014 1428 -581 187 -17 -0.08% Unknown 13.96 $6,522,339
August / 2014 847 138 204 22 1.39% Unknown 16.97 $6,467,145
July / 2014 985 188 182 -19 -0.38% Unknown 13.38 $6,223,430
June / 2014 1173 -313 201 2 1.22% Unknown 16.10 $6,384,761
May / 2014 860 64 199 15 0.99% Unknown 15.98 $6,059,277
April / 2014 924 -28 184 -7 -0.41% Unknown 18.48 $5,653,291
January / 2014 896 65 191 -11 0.44% Unknown 21.10 $2,847,297
November / 2013 961 36 202 8 2.81% Unknown 23.07 $2,527,267
October / 2013 997 0 194 New 2.70% Unknown 20.18 $1,344,952


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Aston Hill Opportunities Fund Sr F's best month was November 2013, ranked #961 with a HedgeScore of 202 earning a 2.81% positive return of $71,016.

Aston Hill Opportunities Fund Sr F's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #497 with a HedgeScore of 136 taking a -1.77% loss of -$14,536.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!