Aston Hill Opportunities Fund Sr Y

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 757
Current Score: 159
Current Rank: 757
All-time Average Rank: 438
All-time Average Score: 230
Max Drawdown: -8.12
Annualized Standard Deviation: 4.93
Year to Date Return: -3.11
5-Star Rating: 4.93

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 757 180 159 -2 -0.15% Unknown -6.97 45.45 $735,832
April / 2016 937 -248 161 -9 -0.19% Unknown -6.85 48.58 $761,189
March / 2016 689 -314 170 14 0.31% Unknown -7.17 46.36 $763,212
February / 2016 375 -83 156 -16 -1.33% Unknown -6.65 59.19 $562,123
January / 2016 292 5 172 -51 -1.77% Unknown -4.86 72.02 $2,064,757
November / 2015 297 124 223 4 0.28% Unknown 1.50 84.04 $2,316,197
October / 2015 421 -184 219 -26 -0.18% Unknown 4.55 76.75 $2,414,132
August / 2015 237 233 245 23 1.88% Unknown 7.22 92.80 $2,413,702
July / 2015 470 -116 222 -13 -0.78% Unknown 6.70 92.70 $2,423,504
June / 2015 354 69 235 4 0.17% Unknown 7.10 92.73 $2,545,807
May / 2015 423 56 231 7 -0.02% Unknown 8.19 87.77 $2,542,466
April / 2015 479 -102 224 -14 -0.53% Unknown 9.26 86.39 $2,621,009
March / 2015 377 61 238 -2 0.87% Unknown 9.39 88.66 $2,520,103
February / 2015 438 -21 240 10 0.57% Unknown 9.42 105.56 $2,558,520
January / 2015 417 -81 230 -24 -0.43% Unknown 10.72 100.63 $2,494,997
December / 2014 336 -28 254 -14 1.16% Unknown 11.69 115.49 $2,754,556
November / 2014 308 11 268 9 3.29% Unknown 13.02 138.88 $2,792,854
October / 2014 319 211 259 12 1.05% Unknown 13.23 153.35 $2,734,460
September / 2014 530 -144 247 -16 -0.14% Unknown 15.93 141.80 $2,730,128
August / 2014 386 83 263 25 1.38% Unknown 19.88 142.00 $2,816,608
July / 2014 469 54 238 -19 -0.41% Unknown 15.62 138.38 $2,768,150
June / 2014 523 -112 257 4 1.18% Unknown 19.11 133.76 $2,864,070
May / 2014 411 25 253 11 0.98% Unknown 19.32 122.33 $2,809,790
April / 2014 436 -90 242 -20 -0.42% Unknown 22.74 141.68 $2,754,162
January / 2014 346 25 262 -14 0.43% Unknown 26.42 144.01 $2,706,799
November / 2013 371 45 276 12 3.49% Unknown 27.89 149.44 $2,772,734
October / 2013 416 0 264 New 3.45% Unknown 24.06 99.19 $2,719,973


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Aston Hill Opportunities Fund Sr Y's best month was November 2013, ranked #371 with a HedgeScore of 276 earning a 3.49% positive return of $96,768.

Aston Hill Opportunities Fund Sr Y's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #292 with a HedgeScore of 172 taking a -1.77% loss of -$36,546.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!