Baobab Global Fund Quarterly

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 469
Current Score: 203
Current Rank: 469
All-time Average Rank: 568
All-time Average Score: 216
Max Drawdown: -21.40
Annualized Standard Deviation: 18.68
Year to Date Return: 16.02
5-Star Rating: 18.68

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 469 275 203 20 7.00% Unknown -1.93 59.64 $6,182,286
April / 2016 744 -212 183 -14 4.20% Unknown -7.89 48.30 $5,779,375
March / 2016 532 251 197 100 11.90% Unknown -9.57 39.91 $5,544,053
February / 2016 783 -272 97 -37 -5.30% Unknown -22.26 26.78 $4,952,931
January / 2016 511 369 134 -3 -1.80% Unknown -14.05 32.40 $5,227,879
November / 2015 880 -260 137 -55 -5.50% Unknown -16.74 43.79 $5,380,929
October / 2015 620 295 192 41 2.60% Unknown -10.40 48.66 $5,693,296
August / 2015 915 -17 151 -19 -4.50% Unknown -14.61 45.17 $5,660,631
July / 2015 898 -98 170 -6 -3.30% Unknown -9.97 51.10 $5,929,457
June / 2015 800 -194 176 -29 -2.70% Unknown -9.50 60.47 $6,133,321
May / 2015 606 -67 205 -11 0.50% Unknown -7.27 64.91 $6,300,775
April / 2015 539 395 216 43 2.30% Unknown -0.90 56.54 $6,271,029
March / 2015 934 -547 173 -75 -3.80% Unknown -3.03 58.07 $6,127,727
February / 2015 387 192 248 40 4.70% Unknown 7.75 63.17 $6,369,452
January / 2015 579 68 208 -1 -1.90% Unknown 5.18 54.91 $6,080,376
December / 2014 647 -255 209 -44 -4.10% Unknown 4.86 62.64 $6,200,786
November / 2014 392 -59 253 -3 1.70% Unknown 11.53 74.35 $6,465,917
October / 2014 333 825 256 56 3.80% Unknown 10.54 73.49 $6,358,635
September / 2014 1158 -757 200 -61 -7.60% Unknown 7.35 67.81 $6,127,756
August / 2014 401 84 261 26 0.70% Unknown 16.76 89.78 $6,633,168
July / 2014 485 51 235 -20 -2.80% Unknown 16.41 97.70 $6,584,894
June / 2014 536 -324 255 -37 -0.30% Unknown 19.40 111.32 $6,775,029
May / 2014 212 102 292 29 7.40% Unknown 19.52 113.02 $6,910,046
April / 2014 314 -98 263 -33 0.10% Unknown 18.86 142.97 $6,267,147
March / 2014 216 145 296 22 6.90% Unknown 20.87 194.19 $6,258,145
February / 2014 361 112 274 35 2.20% Unknown 15.22 191.71 $5,847,320
January / 2014 473 -103 239 -37 -2.20% Unknown 12.51 160.03 $7,032,012
November / 2013 370 7 276 5 0.80% Unknown 28.03 171.47 $5,804,365
October / 2013 377 0 271 New 0.80% Unknown 26.92 154.51 $5,345,942


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Baobab Global Fund Quarterly's best month was March 2016, ranked #532 with a HedgeScore of 197 earning a 11.90% positive return of $659,742.

Baobab Global Fund Quarterly's worst month was September 2014 , ranked #1158 with a HedgeScore of 200 taking a -7.60% loss of -$465,709.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!