Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1220
All-time Average Score: 152
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
April / 2016 1491 -588 118 -14 1.38% Unknown -3.22 -38.75 $3,318,378
March / 2016 903 -171 132 35 5.35% Unknown -3.82 -35.85 $3,291,641
January / 2016 732 128 97 -42 -4.98% Unknown -0.14 -38.74 $3,688,690
November / 2015 860 476 139 31 1.39% Unknown -8.91 -20.69 $3,995,260
August / 2015 1336 -155 108 -36 -2.30% Unknown -13.20 10.30 $3,932,168
July / 2015 1181 164 144 13 0.53% Unknown -13.20 3.71 $4,038,355
June / 2015 1345 -170 131 -16 -1.59% Unknown -18.74 28.35 $4,063,636
May / 2015 1175 102 147 8 -0.27% Unknown -10.59 21.58 $4,334,691
April / 2015 1277 142 139 11 0.75% Unknown -10.06 -1.60 $4,350,872
March / 2015 1419 -319 128 -36 -0.46% Unknown -14.39 2.21 $4,492,830
February / 2015 1100 410 164 44 5.79% Unknown -16.25 10.97 $4,522,321
January / 2015 1510 -11 120 -1 -3.53% Unknown -17.50 14.50 $4,400,945
December / 2014 1499 -584 121 -68 -9.96% Unknown -12.52 17.80 $4,604,764
November / 2014 915 -147 189 -8 -0.14% Unknown -2.36 41.24 $5,229,982
October / 2014 768 827 197 17 -0.91% Unknown 0.86 52.00 $5,245,358
September / 2014 1595 -910 180 -40 -6.46% Unknown 3.98 37.99 $5,621,692
August / 2014 685 759 220 77 3.14% Unknown 14.91 $7,015,959
July / 2014 1444 -318 143 -61 -5.88% Unknown 5.71 $6,838,116
June / 2014 1126 169 204 43 8.28% Unknown 15.90 $7,329,682
May / 2014 1295 479 161 50 0.33% Unknown 6.74 $6,796,959
April / 2014 1774 -40 111 -29 -4.10% Unknown -0.60 $7,052,764
March / 2014 1734 -590 140 -42 -2.63% Unknown 6.59 $7,484,022
February / 2014 1144 -33 182 9 4.21% Unknown 12.13 $7,742,087
January / 2014 1111 10 173 -16 2.30% Unknown 9.16 $7,422,040
November / 2013 1121 63 189 12 3.16% Unknown 16.26 $7,510,996
October / 2013 1184 0 177 New 2.15% Unknown 5.50 $7,932,990


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


BDC Fund II's best month was June 2014, ranked #1126 with a HedgeScore of 204 earning a 8.28% positive return of $606,898.

BDC Fund II's worst month was December 2014 , ranked #1499 with a HedgeScore of 121 taking a -9.96% loss of -$458,634.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!