Bresser Fund -Brazil Equities Hedge

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1459
Current Score: 86
Current Rank: 1459
All-time Average Rank: 1137
All-time Average Score: 156
Max Drawdown: -16.63
Annualized Standard Deviation: 27.86
Year to Date Return: 6.15
5-Star Rating: 27.86

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1459 -1268 86 -183 -16.63% Unknown 1.04 -4.38 $5,219,714
April / 2016 191 439 269 91 19.44% Unknown 20.31 14.76 $5,219,714
March / 2016 630 64 178 70 7.07% Unknown 1.17 0.55 $2,448,199
February / 2016 694 257 108 -20 -0.83% Unknown -4.26 -2.94 $2,448,199
November / 2015 951 347 128 16 0.37% Unknown -4.61 -1.39 $2,602,819
October / 2015 1298 47 112 5 -0.45% Unknown -6.36 -1.96 $2,593,259
August / 2015 1345 -81 107 -28 -2.30% Unknown -9.85 2.77 $2,623,048
July / 2015 1264 125 135 10 0.06% Unknown -6.50 6.42 $2,946,540
June / 2015 1389 -2 125 5 -0.54% Unknown -8.35 8.59 $2,944,897
May / 2015 1387 -147 120 -23 -0.72% Unknown -6.26 9.56 $3,368,618
April / 2015 1240 -76 143 -9 0.44% Unknown -4.25 7.32 $3,433,602
March / 2015 1164 307 152 22 1.32% Unknown -4.19 6.70 $4,120,099
February / 2015 1471 -314 130 -19 -1.01% Unknown -4.69 5.30 $4,066,325
January / 2015 1157 122 149 4 -0.24% Unknown -2.91 5.74 $4,107,750
December / 2014 1279 102 145 -2 -0.90% Unknown -5.14 5.42 $4,269,006
November / 2014 1381 -114 147 -3 -1.47% Unknown -3.58 6.68 $4,575,926
October / 2014 1267 -421 150 -54 -1.11% Unknown -4.97 9.83 $4,644,203
August / 2014 846 212 204 29 1.34% Unknown 2.38 18.24 $7,003,609
July / 2014 1058 8 175 -33 -1.93% Unknown 1.63 18.04 $6,910,977
June / 2014 1066 -81 208 21 1.74% Unknown 2.74 23.78 $7,046,953
May / 2014 985 98 187 17 1.40% Unknown -1.41 22.76 $6,926,730
April / 2014 1083 110 170 -12 0.50% Unknown -3.99 25.15 $6,830,819
March / 2014 1193 -1 182 4 0.79% Unknown -5.02 29.73 $6,796,636
February / 2014 1192 211 178 27 0.84% Unknown -8.24 29.54 $6,743,680
January / 2014 1403 38 151 -12 -2.53% Unknown -8.84 27.76 $6,907,362
November / 2013 1441 -569 163 -41 -2.89% Unknown -3.85 33.75 $8,336,712
October / 2013 872 0 204 New 1.74% Unknown -0.76 36.33 $8,838,635


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Bresser Fund -Brazil Equities Hedge's best month was April 2016, ranked #191 with a HedgeScore of 269 earning a 19.44% positive return of $1,014,712.

Bresser Fund -Brazil Equities Hedge's worst month was May 2016 , ranked #1459 with a HedgeScore of 86 taking a -16.63% loss of -$868,038.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!