Bresser Fund -Brazil Equities Hedge Plus

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1005
Current Score: 134
Current Rank: 1005
All-time Average Rank: 1201
All-time Average Score: 150
Max Drawdown: -5.37
Annualized Standard Deviation: 9.74
Year to Date Return: 7.88
5-Star Rating: 9.74

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1005 -146 134 -34 -2.10% Unknown 2.58 -7.68 $4,239,702
April / 2016 859 -243 168 -12 2.44% Unknown 4.10 -5.33 $4,239,702
March / 2016 616 77 180 72 8.09% Unknown 1.37 -3.15 $4,738,310
February / 2016 693 224 108 -24 -1.46% Unknown -4.22 -7.16 $4,738,310
November / 2015 917 408 132 24 0.74% Unknown -4.91 -6.76 $4,833,268
October / 2015 1325 37 108 3 -1.14% Unknown -7.16 -7.28 $4,797,771
August / 2015 1362 -63 105 -27 -2.12% Unknown -10.58 -1.31 $4,877,624
July / 2015 1299 65 132 4 -0.10% Unknown -6.35 2.45 $5,196,630
June / 2015 1364 -72 128 -4 -0.49% Unknown -9.07 5.59 $5,201,918
May / 2015 1292 72 132 -1 -0.65% Unknown -6.42 6.42 $5,227,417
April / 2015 1364 -272 133 -26 -0.25% Unknown -4.11 3.17 $5,261,586
March / 2015 1092 378 159 29 2.13% Unknown -3.06 3.55 $5,333,880
February / 2015 1470 -352 130 -23 -1.27% Unknown -4.17 1.71 $5,268,703
January / 2015 1118 115 153 1 -0.69% Unknown -2.08 2.33 $5,336,277
December / 2014 1233 295 152 18 -0.62% Unknown -4.63 2.62 $5,373,319
November / 2014 1528 -164 134 -8 -1.65% Unknown -3.16 3.96 $5,547,924
October / 2014 1364 -449 142 -55 -0.74% Unknown -4.64 7.96 $5,861,880
August / 2014 915 377 197 42 2.51% Unknown 2.55 18.37 $7,234,066
July / 2014 1292 -111 155 -45 -3.00% Unknown 0.69 17.64 $7,106,459
June / 2014 1181 -19 200 26 2.41% Unknown 2.84 26.39 $7,326,002
May / 2014 1162 13 174 11 1.80% Unknown -2.41 25.14 $7,153,384
April / 2014 1175 205 163 -4 0.85% Unknown -5.47 29.15 $7,026,830
March / 2014 1380 -65 167 -2 0.96% Unknown -6.87 36.15 $6,980,076
February / 2014 1315 332 169 37 0.88% Unknown -10.79 36.01 $6,913,411
January / 2014 1647 -117 132 -22 -3.28% Unknown -11.17 34.07 $6,852,815
November / 2013 1530 -598 154 -46 -3.15% Unknown -4.36 41.13 $7,819,212
October / 2013 932 0 200 New 1.89% Unknown -0.81 44.13 $8,337,448


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Bresser Fund -Brazil Equities Hedge Plus's best month was March 2016, ranked #616 with a HedgeScore of 180 earning a 8.09% positive return of $383,329.

Bresser Fund -Brazil Equities Hedge Plus's worst month was January 2014 , ranked #1647 with a HedgeScore of 132 taking a -3.28% loss of -$224,772.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!