Cambrian Fund Ltd

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 979
All-time Average Score: 172
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
February / 2016 967 54 55 105 13.50% Unknown -36.19 -7.69
January / 2016 1021 145 -50 -139 -17.07% Unknown -40.57 -18.85
November / 2015 1166 333 89 5 -2.77% Unknown -15.87 30.28
August / 2015 1499 18 84 -12 -6.29% Unknown -23.92 57.94
July / 2015 1517 -125 96 -29 -7.08% Unknown -16.56 60.78
June / 2015 1392 -497 125 -49 -4.51% Unknown -10.79 104.53
May / 2015 895 188 174 14 3.58% Unknown -4.16 94.50
April / 2015 1083 429 160 42 2.86% Unknown -5.61 74.62
March / 2015 1512 -525 118 -58 -4.32% Unknown -7.36 74.14
February / 2015 987 257 176 36 5.72% Unknown -2.42 99.06
January / 2015 1244 24 140 -7 -0.51% Unknown -3.67 100.91
December / 2014 1268 61 147 -5 -0.54% Unknown -2.07 91.49
November / 2014 1329 -197 152 -12 -2.20% Unknown 0.31 103.32
October / 2014 1132 795 164 -3 -1.97% Unknown 2.06 116.87
September / 2014 1927 -1357 167 -68 -7.92% Unknown 11.45 111.12
August / 2014 570 317 235 43 2.77% Unknown 27.67 152.09
July / 2014 887 -218 192 -47 -3.44% Unknown 21.93 150.64
June / 2014 669 -109 239 7 2.59% Unknown 31.65 173.62
May / 2014 560 -37 232 2 2.01% Unknown 27.14 183.68
April / 2014 523 79 230 -3 0.95% Unknown 28.79 200.89
March / 2014 602 -100 233 -18 0.78% Unknown 31.41 235.87
February / 2014 502 -489 251 -159 4.37% Unknown 33.42 263.58
January / 2014 13 738 410 187 1.14% Unknown 32.56 223.10 $983,000,000
November / 2013 751 -290 223 -35 -0.49% Unknown 43.56 218.58
October / 2013 461 0 258 New 7.05% Unknown 47.79 181.91


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund January 2014


Cambrian Fund Ltd's best month was February 2016, ranked #967 with a HedgeScore of 55 earning a 13.50% positive return.

Cambrian Fund Ltd's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #1021 with a HedgeScore of -50 taking a -17.07% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!