Caritas Royalties Fund (Bermuda) Ltd

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 262
Current Score: 243
Current Rank: 262
All-time Average Rank: 188
All-time Average Score: 286
Max Drawdown: -3.74
Annualized Standard Deviation: 1.29
Year to Date Return: 0.76
5-Star Rating: 1.29

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 262 59 243 0 0.16% Unknown -3.01 51.07 $69,355,319
April / 2016 321 -24 243 0 0.15% Unknown -3.26 52.02 $69,218,185
March / 2016 297 -206 243 1 0.16% Unknown -3.50 52.99 $69,087,017
February / 2016 91 4 242 0 0.14% Unknown -3.99 53.98 $68,949,044
January / 2016 95 24 242 -36 0.15% Unknown -4.47 54.89 $68,826,834
November / 2015 119 12 278 -9 0.01% Unknown 7.30 65.12 $76,404,401
October / 2015 131 -32 287 -4 0.01% Unknown 17.18 68.51 $76,363,013
August / 2015 99 35 291 -2 0.02% Unknown 19.02 75.30 $76,277,137
July / 2015 134 -43 293 -10 0.02% Unknown 20.16 79.10 $76,525,793
June / 2015 91 31 303 -3 0.14% Unknown 24.21 86.95 $81,612,155
May / 2015 122 -7 306 -1 0.28% Unknown 24.88 88.95 $83,450,282
April / 2015 115 23 307 3 0.28% Unknown 25.69 91.46 $83,148,551
March / 2015 138 7 304 -1 0.03% Unknown 26.56 94.30 $82,843,127
February / 2015 145 -42 305 -1 0.02% Unknown 28.20 98.71 $82,773,422
January / 2015 103 -47 306 -35 0.02% Unknown 29.05 102.07 $82,715,550
December / 2014 56 33 341 12 8.85% Unknown 30.14 106.11 $84,202,224
November / 2014 89 98 329 43 9.30% Unknown 21.12 93.42 $76,913,457
October / 2014 187 45 286 -2 0.74% Unknown 11.44 80.20 $69,636,279
September / 2014 232 10 288 0 1.01% Unknown 11.33 82.38 $69,029,702
August / 2014 242 -60 288 0 1.06% Unknown 11.58 83.81 $68,226,852
July / 2014 182 121 288 3 1.14% Unknown 11.37 85.14 $67,392,058
June / 2014 303 -80 285 -3 0.68% Unknown 10.96 86.67 $67,537,458
May / 2014 223 -21 288 2 1.07% Unknown 11.63 81.77 $67,498,064
April / 2014 202 54 286 0 1.10% Unknown 11.71 75.07 $66,673,168
March / 2014 256 76 286 6 1.45% Unknown 11.35 68.56 $65,815,242
February / 2014 332 -91 280 0 0.80% Unknown 10.35 62.14 $64,729,895
January / 2014 241 100 280 -2 0.98% Unknown 10.53 56.83 $64,109,475
November / 2013 341 -46 282 -2 0.65% Unknown 10.73 53.71 $75,919,315
October / 2013 295 0 284 New 0.74% Unknown 10.96 56.05 $75,348,288


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund November 2014
Top 100 Hedge Fund December 2014


Top 100 Hedge Fund June 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund August 2015


Top 100 Hedge Fund January 2016
Top 100 Hedge Fund February 2016


Caritas Royalties Fund (Bermuda) Ltd's best month was November 2014, ranked #89 with a HedgeScore of 329 earning a 9.30% positive return of $7,152,952.

Caritas Royalties Fund (Bermuda) Ltd's worst month was October 2015 , ranked #131 with a HedgeScore of 287 earning a 0.01% positive return of $7,636.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!