Caritas Royalty Fund LLC

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 384
Current Score: 219
Current Rank: 384
All-time Average Rank: 247
All-time Average Score: 271
Max Drawdown: -5.09
Annualized Standard Deviation: 2.71
Year to Date Return: -1.04
5-Star Rating: 2.71

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 384 100 219 0 0.05% Unknown -5.02 48.49 $31,131,735
April / 2016 484 20 219 16 0.02% Unknown -5.17 49.58 $31,117,190
March / 2016 504 -394 203 -28 -2.32% Unknown -5.24 50.72 $31,109,763
February / 2016 110 5 231 0 0.51% Unknown -3.32 55.55 $31,844,595
January / 2016 115 109 231 -13 0.73% Unknown -4.18 55.88 $31,684,920
November / 2015 224 -64 244 -33 0.00% Unknown -0.08 67.31 $36,748,303
October / 2015 160 -42 277 -5 0.19% Unknown 18.56 70.81 $36,748,131
August / 2015 118 49 282 -1 0.47% Unknown 20.25 77.39 $36,680,275
July / 2015 167 -10 283 7 0.44% Unknown 20.88 80.48 $36,519,679
June / 2015 157 8 276 -17 -0.30% Unknown 21.64 83.46 $42,608,900
May / 2015 165 -23 293 -1 0.31% Unknown 25.38 90.04 $43,612,473
April / 2015 142 26 294 1 0.35% Unknown 26.17 92.45 $43,477,318
March / 2015 168 15 293 -1 0.07% Unknown 26.95 95.12 $48,156,045
February / 2015 183 -57 294 0 0.03% Unknown 28.57 99.48 $48,122,434
January / 2015 126 19 294 -6 0.01% Unknown 29.41 102.97 $48,108,208
December / 2014 145 -95 300 -52 0.41% Unknown 30.51 107.30 $48,774,213
November / 2014 50 189 352 77 18.73% Unknown 31.66 111.26 $48,766,022
October / 2014 239 49 275 -2 0.75% Unknown 11.51 81.58 $41,073,785
September / 2014 288 6 277 0 1.02% Unknown 11.39 84.14 $40,766,310
August / 2014 294 -67 277 -1 1.08% Unknown 11.66 86.08 $40,352,863
July / 2014 227 161 278 4 1.15% Unknown 11.42 88.05 $39,922,597
June / 2014 388 -112 274 -2 0.68% Unknown 11.01 89.51 $38,409,131
May / 2014 276 -26 276 1 1.07% Unknown 11.68 84.41 $38,404,902
April / 2014 250 65 275 0 1.11% Unknown 11.79 77.44 $37,997,456
March / 2014 315 67 275 6 1.46% Unknown 11.39 70.61 $37,573,034
February / 2014 382 -89 269 0 0.80% Unknown 10.38 63.92 $37,025,156
January / 2014 293 140 269 2 0.99% Unknown 10.57 58.42 $36,725,736
November / 2013 433 -50 267 -2 0.65% Unknown 10.75 55.17 $36,443,131
October / 2013 383 0 269 New 0.73% Unknown 11.00 57.58 $36,205,062


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund November 2014


Caritas Royalty Fund LLC's best month was November 2014, ranked #50 with a HedgeScore of 352 earning a 18.73% positive return of $9,133,876.

Caritas Royalty Fund LLC's worst month was March 2016 , ranked #504 with a HedgeScore of 203 taking a -2.32% loss of -$721,747.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!