Crescat Long/Short Fund LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 378
Current Score: 221
Current Rank: 378
All-time Average Rank: 510
All-time Average Score: 228
Max Drawdown: -3.58
Annualized Standard Deviation: 7.41
Year to Date Return: 2.47
5-Star Rating: 7.41

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 378 67 221 -5 -0.15% Unknown 7.40 51.47 $4,850,771
April / 2016 445 52 226 22 -0.03% Unknown 10.25 43.92 $4,850,771
March / 2016 497 -321 204 1 -3.41% Unknown 7.67 47.37 $4,850,771
February / 2016 176 65 203 -36 2.82% Unknown 11.90 52.67
November / 2015 241 34 239 -8 0.68% Unknown 12.43 49.20 $4,596,356
October / 2015 275 76 247 30 1.22% Unknown 17.48 58.85 $4,557,403
August / 2015 351 53 217 -8 -1.54% Unknown 12.02 67.80 $4,007,157
June / 2015 404 -114 225 -34 -1.21% Unknown 13.95 67.07 $4,123,931
May / 2015 290 214 259 38 2.50% Unknown 20.46 72.16 $4,235,940
April / 2015 504 -170 221 -25 -2.37% Unknown 16.94 63.11 $4,214,162
March / 2015 334 58 246 -1 0.39% Unknown 17.61 76.10 $4,340,560
February / 2015 392 -76 247 1 2.37% Unknown 12.46 72.49 $4,318,736
January / 2015 316 28 246 -7 1.25% Unknown 14.18 71.09 $6,287,722
December / 2014 344 40 253 -2 3.08% Unknown 23.28 64.11 $4,366,202
November / 2014 384 35 255 14 5.20% Unknown 23.49 51.81 $4,200,415
October / 2014 419 642 241 35 2.51% Unknown 18.48 51.46 $3,950,415
September / 2014 1061 -589 206 -44 -2.15% Unknown 13.20 54.78 $3,832,548
August / 2014 472 350 250 51 4.18% Unknown 15.52 65.18 $6,158,109
July / 2014 822 -223 199 -49 -2.25% Unknown 8.93 50.19 $3,749,176
June / 2014 599 248 248 47 4.44% Unknown 19.18 54.17 $3,852,910
May / 2014 847 -106 201 -1 -0.50% Unknown 7.71 42.45 $3,434,505
April / 2014 741 -346 202 -51 -1.81% Unknown 12.19 73.25 $3,453,900
January / 2014 395 538 253 48 9.32% Unknown 11.74 63.15 $3,695,046
November / 2013 933 187 205 23 0.93% Unknown 2.52 61.26 $3,353,143
October / 2013 1120 0 182 New -2.06% Unknown 1.17 54.32 $3,554,590


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Crescat Long/Short Fund LP's best month was January 2014, ranked #395 with a HedgeScore of 253 earning a 9.32% positive return of $344,378.

Crescat Long/Short Fund LP's worst month was March 2016 , ranked #497 with a HedgeScore of 204 taking a -3.41% loss of -$165,411.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!