BSI Flex Focus Bond EUR I

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 1060
All-time Average Score: 175
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 821 -136 159 -25 -0.32% Unknown -0.37 $3,466,486
October / 2015 685 136 184 25 1.16% Unknown 0.79 $3,279,715
September / 2015 821 -32 159 -4 -0.32% Unknown -0.37 $3,466,486
August / 2015 789 -35 163 -22 -0.69% Unknown 0.04 $3,556,595
July / 2015 754 310 185 30 0.92% Unknown 0.87 $3,495,701
June / 2015 1064 -259 155 -28 -1.13% Unknown -0.42 $3,549,607
May / 2015 805 88 183 8 0.13% Unknown 0.71 $4,693,910
April / 2015 893 -54 175 -8 -0.37% Unknown 0.67 $5,172,456
March / 2015 839 0 183 -7 0.19% Unknown 1.24 $3,899,695
February / 2015 839 -17 190 9 1.05% Unknown 1.20 $4,284,808
January / 2015 822 287 181 17 0.18% Unknown 0.33 $4,292,442
December / 2014 1109 57 164 -3 -0.23% Unknown 0.81 $4,592,455
November / 2014 1166 -125 167 -4 -0.08% Unknown 0.89 $4,866,041
October / 2014 1041 702 171 -3 0.00% Unknown 1.08 $5,005,004
September / 2014 1743 -612 174 -2 0.08% Unknown 1.42 $5,062,291
August / 2014 1131 42 176 10 0.14% Unknown 1.57 $5,284,555
July / 2014 1173 494 166 -8 -0.37% Unknown 1.42 $5,113,414
June / 2014 1667 -529 174 -2 0.00% Unknown 2.04 $5,198,263
May / 2014 1138 -149 176 -2 0.09% Unknown 1.70 $5,227,295
April / 2014 989 232 178 -1 0.19% Unknown 2.06 $5,448,523
March / 2014 1221 -44 179 0 0.15% Unknown 2.81 $5,447,924
February / 2014 1177 -205 179 -4 0.18% Unknown 2.75 $5,462,192
January / 2014 972 456 183 13 0.65% Unknown 2.83 $5,363,881
December / 2013 1428 -174 170 -8 -0.14% Unknown 1.68 $5,503,974
November / 2013 1254 -135 178 -4 0.10% Unknown 2.30 $5,860,721
October / 2013 1119 153 182 3 0.33% Unknown 2.97 $6,088,940
September / 2013 1272 -261 179 5 0.24% Unknown 3.07 $4,902,466
August / 2013 1011 25 174 -6 -0.01% Unknown 3.65 $4,772,407
July / 2013 1036 48 180 -3 0.24% Unknown 3.65 $4,794,766
May / 2013 1084 -103 183 -2 0.45% Unknown 4.40 $4,968,336
April / 2013 981 132 185 8 0.93% Unknown 3.67 $5,048,770
March / 2013 1113 -103 177 -1 0.10% Unknown 2.69 $4,834,818
February / 2013 1010 0 178 New 0.25% Unknown 2.78 $4,792,121


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


BSI Flex Focus Bond EUR I's best month was October 2015, ranked #685 with a HedgeScore of 184 earning a 1.16% positive return of $38,045.

BSI Flex Focus Bond EUR I's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #1064 with a HedgeScore of 155 taking a -1.13% loss of -$40,111.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!