Danske European Equity Absolute Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 355
All-time Average Score: 255
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
November / 2015 87 106 293 24 5.65% Unknown 19.52 29.65 $58,991,960
October / 2015 193 94 269 37 1.41% Unknown 11.57 31.45 $58,579,089
August / 2015 287 -80 232 -41 -3.38% Unknown 7.20 30.03 $58,134,692
July / 2015 207 73 273 25 1.64% Unknown 14.60 32.67 $59,392,696
June / 2015 280 -27 248 -20 -0.29% Unknown 7.36 29.36 $59,386,903
May / 2015 253 102 268 25 2.06% Unknown 6.86 33.68 $59,261,222
April / 2015 355 -23 243 -3 -0.57% Unknown 6.57 29.00 $59,696,902
March / 2015 332 123 246 9 3.58% Unknown -0.57 29.87 $57,885,765
February / 2015 455 -145 237 -10 2.55% Unknown -1.76 27.76 $61,149,493
January / 2015 310 150 247 15 4.03% Unknown -0.63 24.50 $60,327,070
December / 2014 460 179 232 16 0.78% Unknown -2.36 24.61 $62,650,224
November / 2014 639 -72 216 -3 -1.38% Unknown -0.64 27.08 $65,271,723
October / 2014 567 -299 219 -61 -4.69% Unknown 2.17 32.13 $66,587,471
September / 2014 268 35 280 4 3.05% Unknown 12.29 35.06 $70,762,853
August / 2014 303 278 276 53 3.30% Unknown 11.43 35.61 $72,547,233
July / 2014 581 -41 223 -31 -4.79% Unknown 7.77 28.83 $71,469,443
June / 2014 540 -248 254 -18 -0.76% Unknown 14.24 28.48 $81,690,417
May / 2014 292 -46 272 -6 1.78% Unknown 11.32 28.24 $82,063,377
January / 2014 246 208 278 14 2.22% Unknown 10.41 48.69 $78,902,542
November / 2013 454 -117 264 -14 1.42% Unknown 7.51 45.40 $72,846,053
October / 2013 337 0 278 New 4.75% Unknown 6.15 43.92 $72,329,919


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund November 2015


Danske European Equity Absolute Fund's best month was November 2015, ranked #87 with a HedgeScore of 293 earning a 5.65% positive return of $3,333,046.

Danske European Equity Absolute Fund's worst month was July 2014 , ranked #581 with a HedgeScore of 223 taking a -4.79% loss of -$3,423,386.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!