East Coast Investment Grade II Fd Cla A

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1025
Current Score: 132
Current Rank: 1025
All-time Average Rank: 1576
All-time Average Score: 114
Max Drawdown: -6.17
Annualized Standard Deviation: 7.20
Year to Date Return: 6.37
5-Star Rating: 7.20

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1025 64 132 -16 0.24% Unknown 2.05
April / 2016 1089 -157 148 19 3.56% Unknown 2.04
March / 2016 932 -175 129 28 4.69% Unknown -1.03
February / 2016 757 46 101 17 0.08% Unknown -5.17
January / 2016 803 661 84 -9 -2.20% Unknown -4.74
December / 2015 1464 -399 93 -20 -0.73% Unknown -4.41
November / 2015 1065 245 113 2 0.79% Unknown -2.47
October / 2015 1310 154 111 18 0.66% Unknown -3.11
September / 2015 1464 6 93 2 -0.73% Unknown -4.41
August / 2015 1470 56 91 -4 -1.49% Unknown -3.85
July / 2015 1526 107 95 -1 -0.71% Unknown -3.59
June / 2015 1633 -180 96 -15 -0.78% Unknown -2.89
May / 2015 1453 52 111 -1 0.22% Unknown -1.83
April / 2015 1505 71 112 2 0.45% Unknown -2.00
March / 2015 1576 72 110 -2 0.31% Unknown -2.44
February / 2015 1648 -107 112 -5 0.53% Unknown -2.29
January / 2015 1541 132 117 16 0.58% Unknown -0.81
December / 2014 1673 -34 101 -22 -1.05% Unknown -0.65
November / 2014 1639 45 123 9 0.13% Unknown 0.42
October / 2014 1684 1512 114 -8 -0.69% Unknown 0.87
September / 2014 3196 -1385 122 7 -0.14% Unknown 2.13
August / 2014 1811 807 115 -21 -1.22% Unknown 2.40
June / 2014 2618 -778 136 10 0.29% Unknown 4.66
February / 2014 1840 -109 126 0 0.78% Unknown
January / 2014 1731 327 126 7 0.75% Unknown
December / 2013 2058 -179 119 -6 0.01% Unknown
November / 2013 1879 -146 125 0 0.58% Unknown
October / 2013 1733 0 125 New 0.55% Unknown


This hedge fund has no awards.


This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


East Coast Investment Grade II Fd Cla A's best month was March 2016, ranked #932 with a HedgeScore of 129 earning a 4.69% positive return.

East Coast Investment Grade II Fd Cla A's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #803 with a HedgeScore of 84 taking a -2.20% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!