Equinox Russian Opportunities Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 1481
All-time Average Score: 125
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
February / 2016 206 255 195 52 5.41% Unknown 16.96 -40.92 $36,307,112
January / 2016 461 174 143 -25 -7.53% Unknown 31.67 -40.28 $34,326,165
November / 2015 635 52 168 -15 -0.95% Unknown 26.54 -29.34 $37,591,522
October / 2015 687 935 183 147 3.19% Unknown 16.37 -27.32 $38,252,268
August / 2015 1622 -324 36 -96 -2.54% Unknown -0.14 -27.28
July / 2015 1298 391 132 51 2.68% Unknown -4.72 -27.21 $38,133,216
June / 2015 1689 -276 81 -36 -3.46% Unknown -14.87 -25.28 $37,727,823
May / 2015 1413 -591 117 -64 0.26% Unknown -6.28 -25.64 $39,686,141
April / 2015 822 725 181 68 13.89% Unknown 6.47 -32.92 $39,794,311
March / 2015 1547 -298 113 -37 0.60% Unknown -1.50 -38.54 $35,987,447
February / 2015 1249 477 150 83 18.67% Unknown -11.43 -32.32 $35,772,355
January / 2015 1726 197 67 10 -0.65% Unknown -27.41 -45.28 $30,145,378
November / 2014 1923 -33 57 -20 -8.91% Unknown -21.57 -34.32 $34,404,084
October / 2014 1890 1049 77 -56 -7.86% Unknown -16.39 -22.90 $37,768,037
September / 2014 2939 -1054 133 33 0.88% Unknown -11.03 -11.14 $43,945,086
August / 2014 1885 -92 100 -13 -7.00% Unknown -8.56 -2.15 $43,561,719
July / 2014 1793 -234 113 -66 -8.27% Unknown -5.16 4.13 $46,842,204
June / 2014 1559 -355 179 10 6.27% Unknown -4.60 9.38 $55,792,793
May / 2014 1204 192 169 26 13.90% Unknown -13.04 -2.60 $52,549,263
April / 2014 1396 559 143 30 5.37% Unknown -29.05 13.40 $46,146,544
February / 2014 1955 35 113 18 -2.74% Unknown -32.59 62.08 $49,942,667
January / 2014 1990 -44 95 -23 -8.61% Unknown -35.40 64.48 $51,348,636
November / 2013 1946 -240 118 -10 -2.90% Unknown -26.94 41.31 $54,313,121
October / 2013 1706 0 128 New -1.95% Unknown -26.43 55.44 $55,931,293


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Equinox Russian Opportunities Fund's best month was February 2015, ranked #1249 with a HedgeScore of 150 earning a 18.67% positive return of $6,678,699.

Equinox Russian Opportunities Fund's worst month was November 2014 , ranked #1923 with a HedgeScore of 57 taking a -8.91% loss of -$3,065,404.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!