EV Smaller Companies Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 403
All-time Average Score: 259
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
January / 2016 71 -12 260 -54 -4.24% Unknown 8.39 35.69 $153,651,384
November / 2015 59 16 314 3 2.51% Unknown 18.05 51.69 $147,860,251
October / 2015 75 560 311 132 1.97% Unknown 18.57 47.17 $155,756,357
August / 2015 635 -548 179 -139 -1.56% Unknown 17.86 58.40
July / 2015 87 51 318 35 2.23% Unknown 18.47 60.50 $159,098,442
June / 2015 138 639 283 96 -1.03% Unknown 11.21 61.70 $155,988,858
May / 2015 777 60 187 7 0.74% Unknown 10.73 59.74
April / 2015 837 -74 180 -11 0.35% Unknown 9.69 52.96
March / 2015 763 46 191 -4 3.04% Unknown 9.27 53.91
February / 2015 809 66 195 19 5.15% Unknown 6.09 57.21
January / 2015 875 47 176 -4 2.08% Unknown 1.87 47.12
December / 2014 922 -660 180 -97 3.76% Unknown 1.30 47.92
November / 2014 262 50 277 17 2.97% Unknown -1.48 46.20 $180,764,196
October / 2014 312 208 260 12 0.47% Unknown -2.97 41.33 $180,417,215
September / 2014 520 -189 248 -23 -1.41% Unknown -0.48 42.23 $181,907,758
August / 2014 331 1045 271 123 -1.05% Unknown 4.00 45.84 $201,530,579
July / 2014 1376 -1131 148 -147 -4.04% Unknown 7.01 55.89
June / 2014 245 -79 295 -7 -1.45% Unknown 15.28 64.62 $230,017,251
May / 2014 166 -51 302 -6 -0.21% Unknown 15.69 65.27 $234,703,346
April / 2014 115 32 308 -5 -0.04% Unknown 18.00 74.10 $238,488,096
March / 2014 147 15 313 -7 0.05% Unknown 16.44 86.54 $231,545,289
February / 2014 162 -60 320 -1 0.97% Unknown 16.04 92.73 $223,747,635
January / 2014 102 55 321 -3 1.50% Unknown 16.68 90.70 $209,024,463
November / 2013 157 -23 324 -2 1.41% Unknown 20.90 91.49 $193,339,324
October / 2013 134 0 326 New 3.05% Unknown 19.00 82.35 $187,612,159


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund July 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund October 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund November 2015


Top 100 Hedge Fund January 2016


EV Smaller Companies Fund's best month was February 2015, ranked #809 with a HedgeScore of 195 earning a 5.15% positive return.

EV Smaller Companies Fund's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #71 with a HedgeScore of 260 taking a -4.24% loss of -$6,514,819.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!