Falcon Global SUKUK Fund A USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 904
All-time Average Score: 189
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
October / 2015 666 54 187 18 0.46% Unknown 6.11 $6,430,949
August / 2015 720 14 169 -18 -0.62% Unknown 3.41 $6,406,253
July / 2015 734 -33 187 3 1.08% Unknown 4.01 $6,446,391
June / 2015 701 80 184 -2 0.69% Unknown 3.25 $6,487,130
May / 2015 781 -91 186 -11 1.17% Unknown 2.57 $6,442,693
April / 2015 690 122 197 12 0.78% Unknown 2.66 $16,137,881
March / 2015 812 -113 185 -21 -0.03% Unknown 2.04 $16,013,441
February / 2015 699 -6 206 11 2.53% Unknown 3.58 $16,017,682
January / 2015 693 271 195 20 0.29% Unknown 3.60 $16,001,255
December / 2014 964 -175 175 -26 -1.58% Unknown 2.30 $15,954,230
November / 2014 789 106 201 16 1.30% Unknown 3.12 $16,381,636
October / 2014 895 776 185 8 -0.08% Unknown 1.85 $16,457,683
September / 2014 1671 -825 177 -20 -2.09% Unknown 3.76 $17,263,019
July / 2014 846 407 197 2 0.35% Unknown 4.42 $17,641,288
June / 2014 1253 -367 195 -2 0.03% Unknown 5.42 $17,579,987
May / 2014 886 113 197 20 1.25% Unknown 2.02 $18,061,385
April / 2014 999 21 177 -18 0.17% Unknown -0.31 $17,837,968
March / 2014 1020 -90 195 -5 1.49% Unknown $17,808,419
February / 2014 930 168 200 26 2.55% Unknown $19,470,848
January / 2014 1098 34 174 -14 -1.03% Unknown $18,986,789
November / 2013 1132 -218 188 -13 0.06% Unknown $21,681,905
October / 2013 914 0 201 New 1.79% Unknown $23,519,916


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Falcon Global SUKUK Fund A USD's best month was February 2014, ranked #930 with a HedgeScore of 200 earning a 2.55% positive return of $496,507.

Falcon Global SUKUK Fund A USD's worst month was September 2014 , ranked #1671 with a HedgeScore of 177 taking a -2.09% loss of -$360,797.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!