Fiera Market Neutral Equity Fund F

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 257
Current Score: 245
Current Rank: 257
All-time Average Rank: 574
All-time Average Score: 220
Max Drawdown: -2.99
Annualized Standard Deviation: 4.76
Year to Date Return: 2.58
5-Star Rating: 4.76

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 257 239 245 27 1.58% Unknown 4.81 16.66 $20,300,000
April / 2016 496 -179 218 -21 -1.29% Unknown 5.56 13.54 $19,300,000
March / 2016 317 -185 239 21 1.00% Unknown 6.25 12.08 $17,700,000
February / 2016 132 -29 218 -19 -0.46% Unknown 6.42 13.51 $12,771,298
January / 2016 103 143 237 0 1.76% Unknown 6.19 13.47 $11,724,996
November / 2015 246 193 237 23 0.93% Unknown 9.03 14.80 $11,864,980
October / 2015 439 -243 214 -42 -1.82% Unknown 8.56 19.59 $11,388,390
August / 2015 196 183 256 20 2.18% Unknown 16.20 27.34 $11,273,957
July / 2015 379 -87 236 -11 0.11% Unknown 12.34 21.86 $10,761,367
June / 2015 292 70 247 4 1.97% Unknown 13.55 21.63 $10,092,515
May / 2015 362 191 243 28 2.30% Unknown 12.59 13.59 $9,613,459
April / 2015 553 -141 215 -17 -0.64% Unknown 12.48 9.73 $9,411,765
March / 2015 412 255 232 21 1.16% Unknown 13.45 9.79 $8,527,438
February / 2015 667 -355 211 -36 -0.67% Unknown 14.54 9.17 $6,967,525
January / 2015 312 362 247 41 5.36% Unknown 16.16 11.12 $6,940,337
December / 2014 674 -107 206 -20 -0.78% Unknown 11.86 8.23 $7,165,983
November / 2014 567 -98 226 -8 0.49% Unknown 15.01 10.14 $7,279,105
October / 2014 469 364 234 15 2.79% Unknown 13.22 10.09 $7,361,746
September / 2014 833 93 219 23 1.02% Unknown 10.27 4.69 $7,247,998
August / 2014 926 -339 196 -27 -1.22% Unknown 9.09 4.63 $7,743,720
July / 2014 587 262 223 1 1.19% Unknown 12.27 7.52 $7,807,835
June / 2014 849 -97 222 12 1.11% Unknown 15.47 8.47 $7,792,330
May / 2014 752 83 210 18 2.20% Unknown 15.30 6.60 $7,551,688
April / 2014 835 80 192 -11 0.22% Unknown 10.87 8.00 $7,562,987
March / 2014 915 78 203 8 2.13% Unknown 11.24 15.05 $7,519,819
February / 2014 993 -198 195 -5 0.73% Unknown 9.23 16.83 $7,136,727
January / 2014 795 491 200 25 1.46% Unknown 10.58 18.55 $6,995,829
November / 2013 1286 -291 175 -19 -1.07% Unknown 8.07 20.11 $7,084,160
October / 2013 995 0 194 New 0.11% Unknown 9.37 17.01 $7,287,721


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Fiera Market Neutral Equity Fund F's best month was January 2015, ranked #312 with a HedgeScore of 247 earning a 5.36% positive return of $372,002.

Fiera Market Neutral Equity Fund F's worst month was October 2015 , ranked #439 with a HedgeScore of 214 taking a -1.82% loss of -$207,269.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!