fLAB Satellite SICAV SIF B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 998
All-time Average Score: 179
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 813 -125 160 -23 -0.59% Unknown -0.70 $7,446,729
October / 2015 688 125 183 23 0.68% Unknown 0.06 $7,419,138
September / 2015 813 -94 160 -9 -0.59% Unknown -0.70 $7,446,729
August / 2015 719 61 169 -13 -0.65% Unknown 0.07 $7,771,179
July / 2015 780 8 182 5 -0.12% Unknown 1.63 $7,769,380
June / 2015 788 -17 177 -10 -1.15% Unknown 1.96 $7,844,656
May / 2015 771 -13 187 -2 -0.24% Unknown 3.75 $7,504,439
April / 2015 758 -100 189 -12 -0.32% Unknown 4.54 $7,688,604
March / 2015 658 104 201 2 0.50% Unknown 5.22 $7,393,294
February / 2015 762 -122 199 -2 0.37% Unknown 4.91 $6,979,546
January / 2015 640 219 201 15 1.74% Unknown 5.64 $4,059,249
December / 2014 859 98 186 1 -0.02% Unknown 4.38 $4,278,150
November / 2014 957 -51 185 1 -0.11% Unknown 4.11 $4,408,303
October / 2014 906 389 184 -9 -0.08% Unknown 4.19 $4,435,562
September / 2014 1295 -386 193 -5 0.18% Unknown 5.13 $4,475,892
August / 2014 909 -12 198 8 0.89% Unknown 5.29 $4,658,310
July / 2014 897 393 190 -3 0.21% Unknown 4.25 $4,221,847
June / 2014 1290 -276 193 8 0.59% Unknown 4.01 $4,311,154
May / 2014 1014 21 185 11 0.52% Unknown 1.41 $4,271,373
April / 2014 1035 237 174 -1 0.32% Unknown -0.03 $4,318,135
March / 2014 1272 -68 175 -2 0.20% Unknown 0.04 $4,278,346
February / 2014 1204 -57 177 6 1.07% Unknown -0.20 $4,278,878
January / 2014 1147 502 171 16 0.53% Unknown -0.65 $4,133,572
December / 2013 1649 -79 155 3 -0.28% Unknown -1.85 $4,201,332
November / 2013 1570 187 152 35 -0.03% Unknown -1.47 $4,334,819
October / 2013 1757 0 117 New 0.81% Unknown -1.18


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


fLAB Satellite SICAV SIF B's best month was January 2015, ranked #640 with a HedgeScore of 201 earning a 1.74% positive return of $70,631.

fLAB Satellite SICAV SIF B's worst month was June 2015 , ranked #788 with a HedgeScore of 177 taking a -1.15% loss of -$90,214.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!