Front Street CDN Energy Resource Fund B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 846
Current Score: 149
Current Rank: 846
All-time Average Rank: 1277
All-time Average Score: 110
Max Drawdown: -31.42
Annualized Standard Deviation: 34.90
Year to Date Return: 47.45
5-Star Rating: 34.90

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 846 172 149 -5 5.43% Unknown 2.96 -65.18 $12,610,204
April / 2016 1018 -33 154 34 21.78% Unknown -5.43 -69.67 $11,151,638
March / 2016 985 -46 120 55 14.33% Unknown -9.86 -75.04 $9,905,405
February / 2016 939 11 65 29 2.28% Unknown -26.57 -77.67 $5,958,834
January / 2016 950 326 36 18 -1.78% Unknown -24.01 -76.50 $5,652,370
November / 2015 1276 199 18 -36 -3.89% Unknown -38.05 -73.45 $6,366,376
October / 2015 1475 204 54 66 4.88% Unknown -43.41 -70.13 $6,754,056
August / 2015 1679 5 -12 20 -4.35% Unknown -62.63 -63.09 $6,952,818
July / 2015 1684 104 -32 -57 -16.02% Unknown -57.98 -58.84 $7,453,359
June / 2015 1788 -176 25 7 -1.94% Unknown -51.48 -46.95 $9,290,918
May / 2015 1612 13 18 -65 -3.16% Unknown -45.94 -46.54 $9,490,592
April / 2015 1625 164 83 89 16.08% Unknown -43.26 -49.71 $10,207,569
March / 2015 1789 20 -6 -59 -6.48% Unknown -45.29 -56.54 $8,511,953
February / 2015 1809 0 53 77 5.74% Unknown -38.71 -52.99 $9,287,563
January / 2015 1809 97 -24 -45 -15.29% Unknown -36.16 -55.93 $8,724,072
December / 2014 1906 24 21 -34 -9.56% Unknown -10.79 -48.53 $10,604,287
November / 2014 1930 21 55 0 -12.21% Unknown 3.00 -38.84 $12,607,879
October / 2014 1951 434 55 -97 -24.30% Unknown 11.90 -30.23 $14,615,113
September / 2014 2385 -2079 152 -124 -16.17% Unknown 54.24 -1.01 $19,529,999
August / 2014 306 399 276 65 7.57% Unknown 89.37 32.98 $24,318,287
July / 2014 705 -345 211 -67 -3.05% Unknown 80.14 28.47 $22,569,938
June / 2014 360 164 278 42 9.25% Unknown 98.17 38.17 $23,753,958
May / 2014 524 -241 236 -33 1.64% Unknown 71.44 37.05 $21,374,361
April / 2014 283 383 269 43 11.93% Unknown 71.78 67.90 $20,964,556
March / 2014 666 -58 226 -8 4.77% Unknown 41.50 53.66 $17,818,419
February / 2014 608 -85 234 3 10.14% Unknown 31.61 67.67 $16,995,950
January / 2014 523 1494 231 128 18.38% Unknown 12.26 61.14 $15,361,652
November / 2013 2017 -422 103 -37 -4.63% Unknown -12.13 57.46 $13,470,219
October / 2013 1595 0 140 New 4.33% Unknown -15.56 49.12 $14,482,978


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Front Street CDN Energy Resource Fund B's best month was April 2016, ranked #1018 with a HedgeScore of 154 earning a 21.78% positive return of $2,428,827.

Front Street CDN Energy Resource Fund B's worst month was October 2014 , ranked #1951 with a HedgeScore of 55 taking a -24.30% loss of -$3,551,472.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!