Fullerton RMB Fixed Income Fund B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 343
Current Score: 227
Current Rank: 343
All-time Average Rank: 1261
All-time Average Score: 154
Max Drawdown: -3.75
Annualized Standard Deviation: 4.11
Year to Date Return: -0.14
5-Star Rating: 4.11

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 343 196 227 17 1.84% Unknown 1.09 32.94 $12,950,889
April / 2016 539 13 210 17 -0.26% Unknown 1.83 31.23 $12,950,889
March / 2016 552 -188 193 34 -1.25% Unknown -0.36 30.48 $12,950,889
February / 2016 364 12 159 1 -0.08% Unknown 3.19 31.92
January / 2016 376 303 158 -4 -0.36% Unknown 4.19 31.66
November / 2015 679 198 162 -2 -0.65% Unknown 7.56 32.33
October / 2015 877 82 164 17 0.63% Unknown 9.90
August / 2015 959 -73 147 -25 -1.14% Unknown 11.49
July / 2015 886 171 172 16 1.70% Unknown 13.86
June / 2015 1057 -159 156 -18 -0.06% Unknown 12.93
May / 2015 898 365 174 33 2.59% Unknown 13.63
April / 2015 1263 -353 141 -35 -2.41% Unknown 11.49
March / 2015 910 208 176 13 2.26% Unknown 13.93
February / 2015 1118 -73 163 2 0.89% Unknown 9.17
January / 2015 1045 183 161 8 1.33% Unknown 6.64
December / 2014 1228 -18 153 -10 0.29% Unknown 6.75
November / 2014 1210 121 163 18 1.51% Unknown 7.85
October / 2014 1331 1380 145 3 2.07% Unknown 7.68
September / 2014 2711 -1094 142 9 2.02% Unknown 5.74
August / 2014 1617 -36 133 1 0.96% Unknown 2.68
July / 2014 1581 1166 132 1 0.87% Unknown 2.38
June / 2014 2747 -1027 131 5 0.56% Unknown 2.92
May / 2014 1720 3 126 8 0.66% Unknown 0.47
April / 2014 1723 416 118 7 -0.27% Unknown 2.02
March / 2014 2139 -216 111 -8 -2.01% Unknown 3.31
February / 2014 1923 -432 119 -26 -1.44% Unknown 6.17
January / 2014 1491 180 145 1 1.44% Unknown 8.49
November / 2013 1671 -52 144 7 1.35% Unknown 8.17
October / 2013 1619 0 137 New 0.23% Unknown 7.97


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Fullerton RMB Fixed Income Fund B's best month was May 2015, ranked #898 with a HedgeScore of 174 earning a 2.59% positive return.

Fullerton RMB Fixed Income Fund B's worst month was April 2015 , ranked #1263 with a HedgeScore of 141 taking a -2.41% loss.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!