Fullerton RMB Fixed Income Fund C

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 44
Current Score: 333
Current Rank: 44
All-time Average Rank: 1252
All-time Average Score: 163
Max Drawdown: -0.68
Annualized Standard Deviation: 2.29
Year to Date Return: 3.16
5-Star Rating: 2.29

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 44 8 333 5 0.94% Unknown 5.15 20.89 $741,893,927
May / 2016 52 -17 328 -9 0.38% Unknown 4.81 20.13 $741,893,927
March / 2016 35 315 337 175 1.67% Unknown 5.62 20.36 $741,893,927
March / 2016 350 73 162 11 0.43% Unknown 3.97 18.97
January / 2016 423 258 151 -11 -0.28% Unknown 3.96 18.87
December / 2015 681 268 162 6 0.36% Unknown 3.81 20.22
October / 2015 949 132 156 20 1.48% Unknown 4.10
August / 2015 1081 29 136 -15 -0.59% Unknown 3.41
July / 2015 1110 26 151 1 0.29% Unknown 4.51
July / 2015 1136 -14 150 -4 0.16% Unknown 4.52
May / 2015 1122 -1 154 -3 0.61% Unknown 4.85
May / 2015 1121 92 157 9 1.15% Unknown 4.92
March / 2015 1213 31 148 -3 0.09% Unknown 4.31
March / 2015 1244 -103 151 0 0.42% Unknown 4.51
January / 2015 1141 179 151 10 0.29% Unknown 4.59
December / 2014 1320 -22 141 -14 -0.40% Unknown 4.39
December / 2014 1298 119 155 18 0.64% Unknown 4.98
October / 2014 1417 1465 137 1 0.43% Unknown 4.56
October / 2014 2882 -1339 136 -2 0.29% Unknown 5.06
August / 2014 1543 -1 138 2 0.47% Unknown 5.60
July / 2014 1542 992 136 -3 0.30% Unknown 5.27
July / 2014 2534 -890 139 6 0.47% Unknown 5.95
May / 2014 1644 -88 133 3 0.69% Unknown 2.96
May / 2014 1556 347 130 2 0.56% Unknown 1.91
March / 2014 1903 -106 128 -2 0.27% Unknown 2.02
March / 2014 1797 -90 130 3 0.50% Unknown 1.99
January / 2014 1707 113 127 -3 0.09% Unknown 2.40
December / 2013 1820 -185 130 -5 0.24% Unknown 3.12
October / 2013 1635 0 135 New 0.91% Unknown 3.58


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund March 2016
Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2016
Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2016


Fullerton RMB Fixed Income Fund C's best month was March 2016, ranked #35 with a HedgeScore of 337 earning a 1.67% positive return of $12,389,629.

Fullerton RMB Fixed Income Fund C's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1081 with a HedgeScore of 136 taking a -0.59% loss.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!