Fundamental Trading Program

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1482
Current Score: 83
Current Rank: 1482
All-time Average Rank: 1329
All-time Average Score: 135
Max Drawdown: -17.52
Annualized Standard Deviation: 18.58
Year to Date Return: 2.79
5-Star Rating: 18.58

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1482 -338 83 -60 -2.10% Unknown -8.99 3.54
April / 2016 1144 40 143 130 12.80% Unknown -6.55 1.50
March / 2016 1184 -368 13 -79 -8.40% Unknown -26.05 -6.47
February / 2016 816 -86 92 -6 0.80% Unknown -15.10 -0.31
January / 2016 730 375 98 -6 0.80% Unknown -14.69 1.37
November / 2015 1105 343 104 30 0.15% Unknown -9.01 7.55
October / 2015 1448 -308 74 -56 -7.30% Unknown -5.49 9.04
August / 2015 1140 -129 130 -30 -4.60% Unknown 8.72 28.80
July / 2015 1011 -158 160 -12 -1.10% Unknown 19.29 32.56
June / 2015 853 16 172 -5 -0.10% Unknown 24.31 34.87
May / 2015 869 554 177 51 0.35% Unknown 22.97 32.58
April / 2015 1423 -876 126 -88 -11.60% Unknown 20.24 29.58
March / 2015 547 269 214 20 4.70% Unknown 32.97 48.42
February / 2015 816 -224 194 -13 1.20% Unknown 25.85 46.65
January / 2015 592 344 207 29 4.80% Unknown 26.13 46.02
December / 2014 936 2 178 -9 1.35% Unknown 13.05 33.58
November / 2014 938 56 187 12 3.95% Unknown 14.48 31.82
October / 2014 994 407 175 -13 2.30% Unknown 10.36 31.79
September / 2014 1401 -121 188 26 6.80% Unknown 9.30 27.97
August / 2014 1280 485 162 45 4.80% Unknown 2.80 24.04
July / 2014 1765 1638 117 24 3.07% Unknown -4.88 19.52
June / 2014 3403 -1423 93 14 -0.10% Unknown -6.92 18.77
May / 2014 1980 -71 79 -6 -1.85% Unknown -7.32 16.14
April / 2014 1909 310 85 -16 -1.80% Unknown -5.66 27.30
March / 2014 2219 -461 101 -32 -0.80% Unknown -3.38 35.90
February / 2014 1758 221 133 36 1.25% Unknown 0.39 37.19
January / 2014 1979 -516 97 -64 -6.10% Unknown 0.42 36.13
November / 2013 1463 -108 161 -1 0.62% Unknown 3.97 41.99
October / 2013 1355 0 162 New 1.25% Unknown 1.91 43.24


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Fundamental Trading Program's best month was April 2016, ranked #1144 with a HedgeScore of 143 earning a 12.80% positive return.

Fundamental Trading Program's worst month was April 2015 , ranked #1423 with a HedgeScore of 126 taking a -11.60% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!