Grand Slam Capital Offshore Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1128
Current Score: 121
Current Rank: 1128
All-time Average Rank: 693
All-time Average Score: 202
Max Drawdown: -21.59
Annualized Standard Deviation: 18.07
Year to Date Return: -16.33
5-Star Rating: 18.07

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1128 -435 121 -69 -7.87% Unknown -18.44 37.37 $4,589,195
April / 2016 693 -34 190 16 3.69% Unknown -11.91 48.88 $4,977,040
March / 2016 659 132 174 78 1.24% Unknown -17.36 44.47 $4,796,107
February / 2016 791 41 96 -47 -5.24% Unknown -16.96 45.14
November / 2015 832 -137 143 -40 -4.00% Unknown -0.93 76.61
October / 2015 695 525 183 61 2.93% Unknown -2.29 94.40
August / 2015 1220 -465 122 -63 -9.22% Unknown -8.32 119.85
July / 2015 755 -10 185 -6 -1.64% Unknown 5.63 119.53
May / 2015 745 102 191 12 -0.49% Unknown 4.53 107.97
April / 2015 847 -322 179 -37 -2.73% Unknown 6.04 100.78
March / 2015 525 441 216 38 1.73% Unknown 7.50 137.58
February / 2015 966 -446 178 -37 -2.62% Unknown 2.38 134.36
January / 2015 520 -101 215 -25 1.15% Unknown 6.57 151.57
December / 2014 419 621 240 63 7.26% Unknown 7.23 173.70
November / 2014 1040 -148 177 -39 -5.32% Unknown 3.94 152.67
September / 2014 892 -448 216 -37 -0.38% Unknown 18.88 165.32
August / 2014 444 291 253 45 4.59% Unknown 33.06 201.73
July / 2014 735 -150 208 -42 -2.35% Unknown 29.16 198.79
June / 2014 585 -53 250 15 3.68% Unknown 42.31 218.25
May / 2014 532 243 235 19 0.95% Unknown 39.27 206.21
March / 2014 775 -334 216 -43 -3.12% Unknown 44.73 244.16
February / 2014 441 -92 259 -2 1.37% Unknown 63.57 262.17
January / 2014 349 24 261 -15 1.78% Unknown 66.74 261.67
November / 2013 373 -1 276 4 4.20% Unknown 70.79 306.11
October / 2013 372 0 272 New 4.54% Unknown 66.72 253.58


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Grand Slam Capital Offshore Fund's best month was December 2014, ranked #419 with a HedgeScore of 240 earning a 7.26% positive return.

Grand Slam Capital Offshore Fund's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1220 with a HedgeScore of 122 taking a -9.22% loss.


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Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!