Green Dragon Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 960
Current Score: 138
Current Rank: 960
All-time Average Rank: 869
All-time Average Score: 178
Max Drawdown: -33.30
Annualized Standard Deviation: 31.86
Year to Date Return: 1.75
5-Star Rating: 31.86

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 960 389 138 10 4.13% Unknown -18.00 -9.68 $9,040,000
April / 2016 1349 -584 128 -29 3.57% Unknown -22.44 -19.51 $8,680,000
March / 2016 765 157 157 87 13.98% Unknown -17.09 -17.12 $8,380,000
February / 2016 922 35 70 36 -1.13% Unknown -23.94 -22.11 $7,350,000
January / 2016 957 8 34 -92 -16.29% Unknown -23.13 -27.59 $7,000,000
November / 2015 965 -258 126 -55 -1.77% Unknown -12.53 -10.80 $9,660,000
October / 2015 707 813 181 104 10.64% Unknown -9.82 -16.82 $9,890,000
August / 2015 1520 -179 77 -49 -14.21% Unknown -20.87 -19.65 $9,290,000
July / 2015 1341 -772 126 -85 -9.58% Unknown -5.50 -11.73 $10,830,000
May / 2015 569 -257 211 -41 -1.50% Unknown 10.11 1.19 $12,400,000
April / 2015 312 251 252 40 10.70% Unknown 18.18 -13.04 $13,900,000
March / 2015 563 593 212 53 4.57% Unknown 3.62 -22.45 $14,600,000
February / 2015 1156 122 159 14 -0.07% Unknown -6.20 -22.07 $15,300,000
December / 2014 1278 -699 145 -79 -8.49% Unknown -0.20 -26.48 $16,980,000
November / 2014 579 -47 224 0 1.27% Unknown 14.78 -14.91 $18,560,000
October / 2014 532 442 224 14 1.35% Unknown 20.66 -17.67 $18,420,000
September / 2014 974 -375 210 -20 -0.59% Unknown 25.05 -19.17 $18,218,000
August / 2014 599 452 230 54 2.45% Unknown 29.11 -14.56 $18,327,000
July / 2014 1051 -311 176 -57 -3.48% Unknown 21.16 -17.90 $17,788,600
June / 2014 740 -36 233 18 5.01% Unknown 29.45 -9.15 $18,455,600
May / 2014 704 553 215 58 5.73% Unknown 18.55 -14.68 $16,727,000
April / 2014 1257 -55 157 -24 -2.93% Unknown 17.04 -6.50 $15,800,000
March / 2014 1202 -810 181 -86 -5.34% Unknown 24.23 11.25 $15,700,000
February / 2014 392 284 267 57 5.97% Unknown 29.41 35.60 $16,500,000
January / 2014 676 -29 210 -24 0.00% Unknown 28.31 20.17 $14,900,000
November / 2013 647 103 234 17 6.47% Unknown 30.35 16.05 $14,215,000
October / 2013 750 0 217 New 5.03% Unknown 26.26 10.11 $13,300,000


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Green Dragon Fund's best month was March 2016, ranked #765 with a HedgeScore of 157 earning a 13.98% positive return of $1,171,524.

Green Dragon Fund's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #957 with a HedgeScore of 34 taking a -16.29% loss of -$1,140,300.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!