Harmonic Alpha Plus Macro Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 446
Current Score: 207
Current Rank: 446
All-time Average Rank: 1111
All-time Average Score: 161
Max Drawdown: -8.54
Annualized Standard Deviation: 11.32
Year to Date Return: -4.26
5-Star Rating: 11.32

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 446 318 207 27 0.01% Unknown 0.52 -0.98 $101,000,000
May / 2016 764 -441 180 -58 -6.94% Unknown 5.96 -1.99 $101,000,000
March / 2016 323 0 238 71 -1.81% Unknown 9.72 10.88 $101,000,000
March / 2016 323 178 167 31 3.74% Unknown 9.16 10.24
January / 2016 501 547 136 21 0.87% Unknown 1.04 8.11
December / 2015 1048 278 115 7 1.92% Unknown -1.27 7.19
October / 2015 1326 -266 108 -30 0.85% Unknown -1.49 5.47
August / 2015 1060 244 138 6 2.65% Unknown 4.48 16.36
July / 2015 1304 295 132 28 1.17% Unknown 5.69 16.34
July / 2015 1599 -448 104 -46 -2.90% Unknown 2.89 14.44
May / 2015 1151 405 150 48 3.63% Unknown 5.14 16.72
May / 2015 1556 -193 102 -32 -3.71% Unknown 2.33 8.01
March / 2015 1363 -26 134 -7 -2.17% Unknown 5.17 14.01
March / 2015 1337 -626 141 -53 -3.89% Unknown 14.35 26.00
January / 2015 711 -440 194 -74 2.54% Unknown 17.85 33.59
December / 2014 271 67 268 6 0.44% Unknown 7.27 31.08 $101,000,000
December / 2014 338 415 262 57 1.76% Unknown 3.71 17.14 $101,000,000
July / 2014 753 2387 205 91 -1.33% Unknown -3.01 22.25 $93,000,000
July / 2014 3140 -1216 114 16 1.13% Unknown -5.30 29.30
May / 2014 1924 17 98 28 0.85% Unknown -7.87 20.61
May / 2014 1941 -1109 70 -140 -1.15% Unknown -12.51 18.91
March / 2014 832 681 210 56 6.40% Unknown -8.91 19.68 $76,000,000
March / 2014 1513 51 154 16 -0.95% Unknown -17.49 13.86 $71,000,000
January / 2014 1564 -481 138 -53 -6.67% Unknown -15.23 12.86 $72,000,000
December / 2013 1083 -379 191 -31 -2.36% Unknown -6.14 25.86 $68,000,000
October / 2013 704 0 222 New 0.44% Unknown -2.68 31.89 $69,000,000


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Harmonic Alpha Plus Macro Fund's best month was March 2014, ranked #832 with a HedgeScore of 210 earning a 6.40% positive return of $4,864,000.

Harmonic Alpha Plus Macro Fund's worst month was May 2016 , ranked #764 with a HedgeScore of 180 taking a -6.94% loss of -$7,009,400.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!