Helium Special Situations Fund CHF

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 847
Current Score: 149
Current Rank: 847
All-time Average Rank: 1194
All-time Average Score: 140
Max Drawdown: -6.76
Annualized Standard Deviation: 13.74
Year to Date Return: -6.45
5-Star Rating: 13.74

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 847 -255 149 -53 -4.22% Unknown 0.75 47.95 $6,560,000
April / 2016 592 207 202 52 4.68% Unknown 0.17 58.23 $6,560,000
March / 2016 799 -134 150 39 -1.15% Unknown -3.02 49.46 $6,560,000
February / 2016 665 237 111 54 1.24% Unknown -8.61 52.48
January / 2016 902 293 57 -17 -6.76% Unknown -17.20 49.53
November / 2015 1195 184 74 -23 -2.40% Unknown -24.13 56.11
October / 2015 1379 -83 97 -17 0.22% Unknown -26.51 62.67
August / 2015 1296 260 114 33 3.15% Unknown -31.20 68.79
July / 2015 1556 33 81 -25 -2.27% Unknown -34.06 67.39
June / 2015 1589 -36 106 26 0.20% Unknown -33.25 77.37
May / 2015 1553 -77 80 -38 -4.78% Unknown -34.20 77.72
April / 2015 1476 213 118 40 1.34% Unknown -31.86 81.14
March / 2015 1689 116 78 20 -6.85% Unknown -33.47 89.57
February / 2015 1805 -128 58 -33 -8.27% Unknown -28.40
January / 2015 1677 -419 91 -57 -3.03% Unknown -19.11
December / 2014 1258 499 148 39 -4.87% Unknown -8.95 $6,601,922
November / 2014 1757 -415 109 -35 -5.46% Unknown -4.11
October / 2014 1342 700 144 -19 -3.05% Unknown 3.37
September / 2014 2042 -889 163 -12 -2.30% Unknown 11.37
August / 2014 1153 -127 175 -4 -1.14% Unknown 17.12
July / 2014 1026 34 179 -3 -1.06% Unknown 24.79
May / 2014 1060 -208 182 -9 -1.39% Unknown 28.53
April / 2014 852 -459 191 -71 -1.05% Unknown 41.00
March / 2014 393 314 262 40 0.26% Unknown 43.78 $9,656,422
February / 2014 707 177 222 12 3.62% Unknown 45.11
November / 2013 884 -147 210 -9 1.91% Unknown 38.63
October / 2013 737 0 219 New 4.45% Unknown 41.12


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Helium Special Situations Fund CHF's best month was April 2016, ranked #592 with a HedgeScore of 202 earning a 4.68% positive return of $307,008.

Helium Special Situations Fund CHF's worst month was February 2015 , ranked #1805 with a HedgeScore of 58 taking a -8.27% loss.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!