Helium Special Situations Fund GBP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 519
Current Score: 193
Current Rank: 519
All-time Average Rank: 785
All-time Average Score: 199
Max Drawdown: -6.62
Annualized Standard Deviation: 13.96
Year to Date Return: -5.73
5-Star Rating: 13.96

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 519 -250 193 -58 -3.91% Unknown 2.92 57.06 $53,360,000
April / 2016 269 271 251 56 4.70% Unknown 2.20 67.56 $53,360,000
March / 2016 540 53 195 74 -1.08% Unknown -0.94 58.26 $53,360,000
February / 2016 593 289 121 56 1.44% Unknown -6.71 61.35
January / 2016 882 301 65 -17 -6.62% Unknown -15.02 57.99
November / 2015 1183 169 82 -22 -2.41% Unknown -22.59 64.66
October / 2015 1352 -114 104 -16 0.41% Unknown -25.13 71.66
August / 2015 1238 309 120 34 3.40% Unknown -30.04 78.98
July / 2015 1547 -17 86 -27 -2.08% Unknown -33.08 78.13
June / 2015 1530 7 113 29 0.40% Unknown -32.34 89.44
May / 2015 1537 -84 84 -39 -4.59% Unknown -33.43 89.80
April / 2015 1453 221 123 41 1.49% Unknown -31.14 92.37
March / 2015 1674 51 82 -12 -6.84% Unknown -32.83 102.96
February / 2015 1725 -303 94 -33 -7.60% Unknown -27.69 119.52
January / 2015 1422 -970 127 -106 -3.27% Unknown -18.84 151.36
December / 2014 452 898 233 83 -4.58% Unknown -8.41 162.27 $83,202,096
November / 2014 1350 -528 150 -41 -5.61% Unknown -3.77 189.21
October / 2014 822 -304 191 -58 -3.06% Unknown 3.86 231.12
September / 2014 518 -430 249 -81 2.23% Unknown 17.13 250.73
August / 2014 88 -33 330 -6 -1.10% Unknown 17.70 264.24 $125,386,123
July / 2014 55 15 336 -6 -0.99% Unknown 25.27 277.21 $128,648,849
May / 2014 70 -26 342 -13 -1.31% Unknown 29.14 308.90 $130,497,501
April / 2014 44 -9 355 -21 -1.01% Unknown 41.55 349.72 $133,227,517
March / 2014 35 234 376 83 0.30% Unknown 44.35 472.11 $111,131,487
February / 2014 269 -112 293 -8 3.71% Unknown 45.66 538.33
January / 2014 157 215 301 25 9.16% Unknown 42.00 500.54
November / 2013 372 -88 276 -10 1.87% Unknown 39.39 475.75
October / 2013 284 0 286 New 4.56% Unknown 42.16 471.85


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund March 2014
Top 100 Hedge Fund April 2014
Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2014
Top 100 Hedge Fund July 2014
Top 100 Hedge Fund August 2014


Helium Special Situations Fund GBP's best month was January 2014, ranked #157 with a HedgeScore of 301 earning a 9.16% positive return.

Helium Special Situations Fund GBP's worst month was February 2015 , ranked #1725 with a HedgeScore of 94 taking a -7.60% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!