IBS Opportunity Fund Ltd

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1310
Current Score: 102
Current Rank: 1310
All-time Average Rank: 850
All-time Average Score: 169
Max Drawdown: -26.56
Annualized Standard Deviation: 9.66
Year to Date Return: -0.02
5-Star Rating: 9.66

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1310 229 102 -12 0.40% Unknown -23.79 -18.88 $19,593,657
April / 2016 1539 -413 114 35 3.36% Unknown -25.14 -22.19 $19,593,657
March / 2016 1126 -99 79 54 -2.17% Unknown -26.72 -20.98 $18,758,223
February / 2016 1027 -59 25 -4 -0.83% Unknown -21.50 -20.82
January / 2016 968 287 29 -9 -0.69% Unknown -20.52 -18.56
November / 2015 1255 245 38 9 -1.52% Unknown -17.25 -11.41
October / 2015 1500 -166 29 -80 -5.62% Unknown -15.73 -10.37
August / 2015 1334 152 109 5 -1.35% Unknown -5.25 9.49
July / 2015 1486 -798 104 -82 -3.31% Unknown -5.23 10.05
June / 2015 688 -23 186 -12 -2.59% Unknown -2.05 16.70 $18,758,223
May / 2015 665 -212 198 -29 -1.39% Unknown -0.22 19.39 $19,318,560
April / 2015 453 -111 227 -17 0.70% Unknown 5.20 11.40 $19,633,606
March / 2015 342 395 244 42 4.81% Unknown 5.86 8.71 $19,534,864
February / 2015 737 -108 202 0 0.34% Unknown -0.82 11.44 $18,497,912
January / 2015 629 -5 202 -9 -1.43% Unknown 3.99 14.40 $18,413,196
December / 2014 624 -70 211 -16 -0.88% Unknown 3.68 13.22 $19,593,657
November / 2014 554 -57 227 -2 0.29% Unknown 4.74 11.35 $24,283,065
October / 2014 497 388 229 13 0.53% Unknown 4.11 17.42 $24,163,594
September / 2014 885 -95 216 7 -0.90% Unknown 4.62 17.48 $23,970,432
August / 2014 790 -196 209 -12 -1.33% Unknown 4.93 28.59 $24,217,500
July / 2014 594 245 221 -2 -0.06% Unknown 8.41 34.72 $24,603,261
June / 2014 839 -382 223 -23 -0.71% Unknown 7.06 38.55 $28,329,211
May / 2014 457 110 246 22 3.95% Unknown 3.49 33.38 $28,551,551
April / 2014 567 250 224 26 1.32% Unknown 4.54 48.90 $27,141,033
January / 2014 817 -115 198 -30 -1.92% Unknown 2.30 54.23 $30,833,294
November / 2013 702 -124 228 -11 -0.13% Unknown 4.14 59.12 $35,790,995
October / 2013 578 0 239 New 0.96% Unknown 4.19 55.99 $35,834,052


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


IBS Opportunity Fund Ltd's best month was March 2015, ranked #342 with a HedgeScore of 244 earning a 4.81% positive return of $939,627.

IBS Opportunity Fund Ltd's worst month was October 2015 , ranked #1500 with a HedgeScore of 29 taking a -5.62% loss.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!