IP All Seasons Asian Credit Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 148
Current Score: 275
Current Rank: 148
All-time Average Rank: 669
All-time Average Score: 229
Max Drawdown: -7.06
Annualized Standard Deviation: 10.61
Year to Date Return: 6.63
5-Star Rating: 10.61

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 148 -33 275 -16 0.96% Unknown 2.55 38.22 $146,000,000
April / 2016 115 40 291 19 3.62% Unknown 7.29 36.64 $142,000,000
March / 2016 155 -65 272 30 4.84% Unknown -1.11 34.48 $154,000,000
February / 2016 90 20 242 -40 0.03% Unknown -3.58 30.65 $160,000,000
November / 2015 110 -11 282 -19 0.47% Unknown 1.30 40.51 $206,000,000
October / 2015 99 132 301 55 5.21% Unknown 1.21 38.03 $206,000,000
August / 2015 231 -77 246 -41 -4.33% Unknown -0.93 38.02 $232,000,000
July / 2015 154 630 287 109 -0.38% Unknown 4.23 48.95 $237,000,000
June / 2015 784 -700 178 -147 0.37% Unknown 5.83 48.44
May / 2015 84 52 325 29 5.62% Unknown 7.53 46.74 $237,000,000
April / 2015 136 -14 296 -11 0.32% Unknown 8.38 45.74 $165,000,000
March / 2015 122 730 307 118 2.22% Unknown 9.48 49.88 $164,000,000
February / 2015 852 109 189 21 1.42% Unknown 8.02 52.40
January / 2015 961 -814 168 -138 -0.96% Unknown 7.06 52.69
November / 2014 147 715 306 118 0.31% Unknown 7.82 52.49 $237,000,000
October / 2014 862 1090 188 22 1.32% Unknown 7.95 54.15
September / 2014 1952 -991 166 -27 -1.62% Unknown 8.40 55.31
August / 2014 961 -67 193 2 0.72% Unknown 11.85 66.47
July / 2014 894 424 191 -1 1.21% Unknown 9.96 72.27
June / 2014 1318 -246 192 11 1.06% Unknown 9.35 88.27
May / 2014 1072 -23 181 8 1.59% Unknown 2.84 90.84
April / 2014 1049 339 173 6 0.98% Unknown 0.64 101.15
March / 2014 1388 -139 167 -7 0.01% Unknown 1.04 106.43
February / 2014 1249 54 174 0 0.54% Unknown 1.02 105.38
November / 2013 1303 -154 174 -6 0.43% Unknown 2.96 83.26
October / 2013 1149 0 180 New 1.75% Unknown 4.72 70.67


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund October 2015


Top 100 Hedge Fund February 2016


IP All Seasons Asian Credit Fund's best month was May 2015, ranked #84 with a HedgeScore of 325 earning a 5.62% positive return of $13,319,400.

IP All Seasons Asian Credit Fund's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #231 with a HedgeScore of 246 taking a -4.33% loss of -$10,045,600.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!