IPM Systematic Macro Fund A USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 560
All-time Average Score: 234
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
August / 2015 125 65 280 4 2.49% Unknown 9.69 27.88 $76,597,483
July / 2015 190 26 276 12 1.40% Unknown 12.37 25.89 $74,726,147
June / 2015 216 95 264 12 0.09% Unknown 7.69 24.45 $72,652,377
May / 2015 311 -86 252 -18 -0.23% Unknown 5.55 25.86 $72,580,896
April / 2015 225 -29 270 -12 0.35% Unknown 8.07 39.06 $72,738,469
March / 2015 196 1058 282 132 3.15% Unknown 8.77 36.40 $71,945,596
February / 2015 1254 -941 150 -97 -3.58% Unknown 9.80 31.27
January / 2015 313 322 247 37 3.89% Unknown 15.72 34.83 $5,465,518
December / 2014 635 -201 210 -35 -1.91% Unknown 15.06 34.72 $5,260,870
November / 2014 434 94 245 20 3.80% Unknown 13.18 38.51 $5,363,108
October / 2014 528 388 225 11 0.69% Unknown 9.20 33.00 $5,166,530
September / 2014 916 -443 214 -36 -0.58% Unknown 12.88 32.73 $5,131,046
August / 2014 473 438 250 62 4.99% Unknown 16.96 37.51 $5,160,863
July / 2014 911 244 188 -14 -2.82% Unknown 7.17 32.05 $4,915,351
June / 2014 1155 -582 202 -29 -1.90% Unknown 13.41 36.24 $5,058,003
May / 2014 573 2 231 8 2.16% Unknown 12.33 37.45 $5,156,216
April / 2014 575 5 223 -13 0.99% Unknown 11.17 35.87 $5,047,214
March / 2014 580 163 236 18 4.13% Unknown 11.30 36.31 $4,981,904
February / 2014 743 -161 218 -4 1.61% Unknown 7.76 34.63 $4,784,301
January / 2014 582 203 222 3 3.30% Unknown 4.90 29.70 $7,008,433
November / 2013 785 -178 219 -16 0.15% Unknown 9.10 29.47 $11,442,839
October / 2013 607 0 235 New 4.09% Unknown 9.61 28.13 $11,425,624


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


IPM Systematic Macro Fund A USD's best month was August 2014, ranked #473 with a HedgeScore of 250 earning a 4.99% positive return of $257,527.

IPM Systematic Macro Fund A USD's worst month was February 2015 , ranked #1254 with a HedgeScore of 150 taking a -3.58% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!