iVim Asia Opportunities Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1552
Current Score: 71
Current Rank: 1552
All-time Average Rank: 864
All-time Average Score: 184
Max Drawdown: -31.52
Annualized Standard Deviation: 22.79
Year to Date Return: -7.57
5-Star Rating: 22.79

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1552 183 71 -25 -2.49% Unknown -26.25 -22.22 $21,976,056
April / 2016 1735 -816 96 -34 0.61% Unknown -25.51 -24.28 $22,796,278
March / 2016 919 10 130 62 9.78% Unknown -20.46 -19.61 $22,659,651
February / 2016 929 130 68 -45 -2.81% Unknown -26.46 -18.21 $20,640,715
November / 2015 1059 -123 113 -44 -0.89% Unknown -11.56 -5.86 $25,396,784
October / 2015 936 536 157 67 6.98% Unknown -11.08 -4.70 $25,624,534
August / 2015 1472 -304 90 -55 -11.32% Unknown -20.60 1.38 $23,918,306
July / 2015 1168 -670 145 -68 -9.52% Unknown -9.59 14.61 $26,970,851
June / 2015 498 -97 213 -20 -4.58% Unknown 4.01 36.85 $30,262,139
May / 2015 401 -191 233 -41 -1.52% Unknown 7.91 43.42 $31,727,909
April / 2015 210 226 274 34 7.43% Unknown 9.64 35.63 $32,215,066
February / 2015 436 253 240 36 1.81% Unknown 2.26 41.38 $29,541,261
December / 2014 689 66 204 0 -0.75% Unknown -2.23 30.43 $28,941,097
November / 2014 755 31 204 9 -0.35% Unknown -4.19 44.82 $29,163,657
October / 2014 786 444 195 -1 -0.66% Unknown -5.07 41.30 $29,266,263
September / 2014 1230 -750 196 -53 -3.69% Unknown -2.53 46.52 $29,460,232
August / 2014 480 -15 249 11 0.97% Unknown 7.56 65.35 $31,107,157
July / 2014 465 935 238 51 4.09% Unknown 2.33 57.37 $30,809,033
June / 2014 1400 -337 187 6 -1.00% Unknown -0.63 73.28 $29,596,825
May / 2014 1063 -242 181 -12 0.06% Unknown -10.08 79.73 $29,890,238
April / 2014 821 -204 193 -40 1.07% Unknown -7.92 130.68 $29,876,652
February / 2014 617 436 233 56 3.12% Unknown -8.42 203.66 $29,371,825
January / 2014 1053 -472 177 -66 -5.36% Unknown -10.23 196.77 $28,483,375
November / 2013 581 -233 243 -34 -1.27% Unknown 4.75 255.56 $31,501,191
October / 2013 348 0 277 New 2.00% Unknown 10.10 268.54 $31,902,122


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


iVim Asia Opportunities Fund's best month was March 2016, ranked #919 with a HedgeScore of 130 earning a 9.78% positive return of $2,216,114.

iVim Asia Opportunities Fund's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #1472 with a HedgeScore of 90 taking a -11.32% loss of -$2,707,552.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!