JENOP Global Healthcare Fund A USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 438
Current Score: 208
Current Rank: 438
All-time Average Rank: 1111
All-time Average Score: 166
Max Drawdown: -29.59
Annualized Standard Deviation: 18.76
Year to Date Return: -13.64
5-Star Rating: 18.76

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 438 139 208 4 3.33% Unknown -24.02 $174,400,000
April / 2016 577 64 204 28 2.45% Unknown -21.13 $170,500,000
March / 2016 641 -322 176 9 -0.84% Unknown -26.39 $169,100,000
February / 2016 319 617 167 124 -4.57% Unknown -23.62 $167,600,000
January / 2016 936 -246 43 -118 -13.80% Unknown -18.20
November / 2015 690 446 161 27 2.41% Unknown 4.89
October / 2015 1136 -896 134 -110 -1.03% Unknown 4.20
August / 2015 240 805 244 86 -4.00% Unknown 22.11 $246,300,000
July / 2015 1045 51 158 5 1.07% Unknown 33.94
June / 2015 1096 -226 153 -24 0.85% Unknown 26.78
May / 2015 870 594 177 56 7.26% Unknown 32.17
April / 2015 1464 -322 121 -34 -4.37% Unknown 25.13
March / 2015 1142 184 155 12 2.89% Unknown 20.97
February / 2015 1326 -151 143 -5 2.21% Unknown 13.03
January / 2015 1175 -70 148 -17 2.56% Unknown 18.64
December / 2014 1105 317 165 21 7.51% Unknown 21.95
November / 2014 1422 -174 144 -9 1.74% Unknown 16.81
October / 2014 1248 2068 153 38 4.03% Unknown 18.07
September / 2014 3316 -1947 115 -39 -0.85% Unknown 7.64
August / 2014 1369 538 154 52 5.30% Unknown 14.62
July / 2014 1907 181 102 -54 -4.34% Unknown 8.63
June / 2014 2088 -541 156 15 5.13% Unknown 18.57
May / 2014 1547 322 141 44 1.54% Unknown 13.62
April / 2014 1869 -1281 97 -137 -7.55% Unknown 11.99
March / 2014 588 -326 234 -60 -3.87% Unknown 24.00 $170,691,000
February / 2014 262 -39 294 11 7.28% Unknown 34.79 $177,439,000
January / 2014 223 1269 283 125 5.42% Unknown 27.96 $165,328,000
November / 2013 1492 -795 158 -65 2.84% Unknown 22.80
October / 2013 697 0 223 New -5.16% Unknown 19.54 $147,543,000


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


JENOP Global Healthcare Fund A USD's best month was December 2014, ranked #1105 with a HedgeScore of 165 earning a 7.51% positive return.

JENOP Global Healthcare Fund A USD's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #936 with a HedgeScore of 43 taking a -13.80% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!