JL Commodity Long Flat Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
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All-time Average Rank: 1657
All-time Average Score: 110
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Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
January / 2016 870 330 67 -5 -1.20% Unknown -14.22 -32.66 $1,436,393
November / 2015 1200 254 72 2 -1.06% Unknown -13.74 -22.77 $1,425,795
October / 2015 1454 19 70 -20 -1.61% Unknown -13.75 -23.27 $1,508,089
August / 2015 1473 116 90 24 0.11% Unknown -13.92 -11.03 $1,586,820
July / 2015 1589 75 66 -22 -3.76% Unknown -14.23 -12.29 $1,562,874
June / 2015 1664 -125 88 5 -0.88% Unknown -12.01 -6.58 $1,637,689
May / 2015 1539 -51 83 -32 -2.88% Unknown -10.71 -5.58 $1,625,673
April / 2015 1488 213 115 42 2.61% Unknown -10.45 -7.71 $1,710,881
March / 2015 1701 -3 73 -26 -3.62% Unknown -12.11 -10.29 $1,600,258
February / 2015 1698 -41 99 3 -0.24% Unknown -8.53 -5.37 $1,731,667
January / 2015 1657 -19 96 -9 -0.55% Unknown -3.75 -5.52 $622,475
December / 2014 1638 132 105 -1 -0.63% Unknown -3.57 -10.06 $2,511,528
November / 2014 1770 -72 106 -6 -1.07% Unknown -2.33 -8.06 $2,603,771
October / 2014 1698 1776 112 7 -0.77% Unknown -1.88 -5.10 $2,643,613
September / 2014 3474 -1768 105 -18 -3.04% Unknown -2.41 -2.81 $2,687,663
August / 2014 1706 25 123 3 -0.25% Unknown -1.64 -1.04 $2,889,922
July / 2014 1731 293 120 -38 -1.27% Unknown -0.68 -1.05 $2,942,278
June / 2014 2024 -273 158 35 0.59% Unknown 1.78 1.25 $3,112,079
May / 2014 1751 -470 123 -32 -2.61% Unknown -0.61 0.28 $4,478,467
April / 2014 1281 373 155 9 0.72% Unknown -0.37 12.52 $4,672,703
March / 2014 1654 -301 146 -20 0.30% Unknown -2.07 12.27 $4,612,042
February / 2014 1353 253 166 31 4.98% Unknown -1.73 12.65 $4,607,544
January / 2014 1606 133 135 -1 -0.36% Unknown -8.66 5.70 $13,183,375
November / 2013 1739 -73 136 4 -0.62% Unknown -8.31 1.68 $13,615,445
October / 2013 1666 0 132 New -1.31% Unknown -8.51 1.71 $13,336,280


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


JL Commodity Long Flat Fund's best month was February 2014, ranked #1353 with a HedgeScore of 166 earning a 4.98% positive return of $229,456.

JL Commodity Long Flat Fund's worst month was July 2015 , ranked #1589 with a HedgeScore of 66 taking a -3.76% loss of -$58,764.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!