JLP Partners Fund LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 991
Current Score: 135
Current Rank: 991
All-time Average Rank: 1159
All-time Average Score: 151
Max Drawdown: -19.36
Annualized Standard Deviation: 17.04
Year to Date Return: -0.60
5-Star Rating: 17.04

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 991 -234 135 -46 -1.10% Unknown -7.91 8.81 $15,200,000
April / 2016 757 -168 181 -5 2.64% Unknown -6.48 4.81 $15,200,000
March / 2016 589 381 186 134 10.12% Unknown -10.81 -1.76 $15,200,000
February / 2016 970 -184 52 -36 -5.11% Unknown -17.52 -7.53
January / 2016 786 -117 88 -75 -6.34% Unknown -6.39 11.74
November / 2015 669 465 163 29 3.16% Unknown -4.94 43.93
October / 2015 1134 172 134 21 0.01% Unknown -11.82 48.99
August / 2015 1306 -402 113 -57 -4.75% Unknown -16.10 84.85
July / 2015 904 600 170 55 4.81% Unknown -9.54 78.89
June / 2015 1504 -279 115 -23 -2.59% Unknown -20.51 81.61
May / 2015 1225 334 138 37 0.48% Unknown -17.28 52.72
April / 2015 1559 -255 101 -36 -2.11% Unknown -17.83 22.12
March / 2015 1304 -107 137 -18 1.83% Unknown -17.91 62.22
February / 2015 1197 514 155 73 7.69% Unknown -18.98 95.36
January / 2015 1711 -640 82 -85 -11.02% Unknown -22.23 96.58
December / 2014 1071 397 167 27 2.80% Unknown -11.98 121.05
November / 2014 1468 -790 140 -67 -4.30% Unknown -3.42 124.56
October / 2014 678 1938 207 62 3.90% Unknown 3.24 141.94
September / 2014 2616 -1683 145 -51 -12.10% Unknown 2.54 109.90
August / 2014 933 643 196 64 2.70% Unknown 23.89
July / 2014 1576 -179 132 -56 -7.90% Unknown 17.26
June / 2014 1397 -185 188 19 1.40% Unknown 29.10
May / 2014 1212 -339 169 -37 -0.20% Unknown 26.68
February / 2014 873 -7 206 -6 3.50% Unknown 59.35
November / 2013 866 -34 212 4 2.30% Unknown 71.31
October / 2013 832 0 208 New 3.20% Unknown 56.74


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


JLP Partners Fund LP's best month was March 2016, ranked #589 with a HedgeScore of 186 earning a 10.12% positive return of $1,538,240.

JLP Partners Fund LP's worst month was September 2014 , ranked #2616 with a HedgeScore of 145 taking a -12.10% loss.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!