Maga Smaller Companies Fund EUR A

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 817
Current Score: 153
Current Rank: 817
All-time Average Rank: 922
All-time Average Score: 177
Max Drawdown: -6.93
Annualized Standard Deviation: 7.68
Year to Date Return: -3.92
5-Star Rating: 7.68

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 817 96 153 -10 0.65% Unknown -0.67 37.76
April / 2016 913 31 163 36 2.56% Unknown -0.40 37.63
March / 2016 944 -462 127 -11 -1.70% Unknown -2.18 34.87
February / 2016 482 -84 138 -16 -2.53% Unknown 0.21 38.71
January / 2016 398 22 154 -45 -2.86% Unknown 6.92 42.35
November / 2015 420 314 199 31 2.69% Unknown 12.40 48.71
August / 2015 734 -119 168 -34 -1.26% Unknown 6.30 52.34
July / 2015 615 461 202 48 3.84% Unknown 7.87 55.49
June / 2015 1076 -185 154 -21 -1.35% Unknown 0.80 51.40
May / 2015 891 69 175 4 0.92% Unknown 1.16 51.49
April / 2015 960 68 171 7 0.74% Unknown 0.69 47.18
March / 2015 1028 -125 164 -20 0.70% Unknown -0.05 45.20
February / 2015 903 -9 184 10 4.00% Unknown 0.48 46.82
January / 2015 894 -14 174 -10 0.81% Unknown 2.80 40.33
December / 2014 880 203 184 10 2.05% Unknown 5.69 41.53
November / 2014 1083 137 174 19 0.26% Unknown 5.39 41.72
October / 2014 1220 754 155 -10 -2.30% Unknown 6.24 43.05
September / 2014 1974 -991 165 -26 -2.04% Unknown 12.49 43.68
August / 2014 983 165 191 23 0.20% Unknown 17.74 50.65
July / 2014 1148 307 168 -16 -2.97% Unknown 19.24 50.98
June / 2014 1455 -600 184 -16 -1.01% Unknown 25.51 55.30
May / 2014 855 -46 200 5 0.45% Unknown 24.91 57.22
April / 2014 809 91 195 -10 0.00% Unknown 25.27 59.46
March / 2014 900 -175 205 -15 1.24% Unknown 24.61 61.59
February / 2014 725 32 220 16 6.40% Unknown 22.25 61.69
January / 2014 757 312 204 11 3.64% Unknown 15.43 55.29
November / 2013 1069 -175 193 -10 1.07% Unknown 17.60 49.75
October / 2013 894 0 203 New 3.45% Unknown 20.13 49.53


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Maga Smaller Companies Fund EUR A's best month was February 2014, ranked #725 with a HedgeScore of 220 earning a 6.40% positive return.

Maga Smaller Companies Fund EUR A's worst month was July 2014 , ranked #1148 with a HedgeScore of 168 taking a -2.97% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!