Metzler China Equity RMB EUR Acc

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 478
All-time Average Score: 252
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
December / 2015 355 -219 219 -54 -1.84% Unknown 61.95 $97,730,385
November / 2015 136 3 273 -10 7.83% Unknown 74.10 $111,903,056
October / 2015 139 216 283 64 12.24% Unknown 76.72 $108,549,338
September / 2015 355 172 219 26 -1.84% Unknown 61.95 $97,730,385
August / 2015 527 -106 193 -35 -14.86% Unknown 81.97 $99,943,693
July / 2015 421 -225 228 -41 -11.38% Unknown 122.03 $115,743,768
June / 2015 196 -155 269 -78 -6.85% Unknown 171.25 $148,680,051
May / 2015 41 4 347 -5 6.92% Unknown 199.75 $177,510,721
April / 2015 45 -20 352 -27 10.49% Unknown 184.89 $174,823,045
March / 2015 25 94 379 65 27.70% Unknown 154.31 $175,700,592
February / 2015 119 1 314 18 9.41% Unknown 86.18 $163,525,340
January / 2015 120 -12 296 -13 9.67% Unknown 58.45 $150,863,478
December / 2014 108 130 309 27 15.20% Unknown 49.73 $172,870,851
November / 2014 238 100 282 28 9.45% Unknown 25.38 $158,233,817
October / 2014 338 -25 254 -18 2.85% Unknown 14.83 $147,229,634
September / 2014 313 189 272 27 10.29% Unknown 12.42 $144,324,775
August / 2014 502 -161 245 -14 3.89% Unknown 3.80 $143,381,142
July / 2014 341 545 259 40 8.26% Unknown 5.00 $140,192,464
June / 2014 886 56 219 27 2.94% Unknown -2.56 $131,157,916
May / 2014 942 126 192 21 1.62% Unknown -15.33 $108,569,861
April / 2014 1068 495 171 18 -1.37% Unknown -10.99 $107,877,912
March / 2014 1563 -196 153 -11 -6.51% Unknown -13.74 $109,568,848
February / 2014 1367 -932 164 -80 -6.88% Unknown -8.44 $117,458,069
January / 2014 435 574 244 41 3.63% Unknown 3.90 $121,799,941
December / 2013 1009 -320 203 -26 -3.53% Unknown $127,859,201
November / 2013 689 -67 229 -3 0.24% Unknown $130,952,515
October / 2013 622 0 232 New 0.69% Unknown $128,590,706


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund March 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund April 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund May 2015


Metzler China Equity RMB EUR Acc's best month was March 2015, ranked #25 with a HedgeScore of 379 earning a 27.70% positive return of $48,669,064.

Metzler China Equity RMB EUR Acc's worst month was August 2015 , ranked #527 with a HedgeScore of 193 taking a -14.86% loss of -$14,851,633.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!