Minuteman Investment Fund LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1751
Current Score: 47
Current Rank: 1751
All-time Average Rank: 1791
All-time Average Score: 84
Max Drawdown: -26.21
Annualized Standard Deviation: 9.12
Year to Date Return: -12.43
5-Star Rating: 9.12

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1751 203 47 -21 -0.50% Unknown -24.96 -32.15 $1,422,342
April / 2016 1954 -778 68 45 2.22% Unknown -25.38 -32.10 $1,422,342
March / 2016 1176 -224 23 -13 -6.12% Unknown -27.19 -33.54 $1,422,342
January / 2016 952 503 36 -34 -0.55% Unknown -14.88 -23.28
October / 2015 1455 63 70 -8 -2.30% Unknown -9.84 -24.76 $1,466,068
August / 2015 1518 35 78 -4 -2.94% Unknown -5.53 -24.28 $1,608,301
July / 2015 1553 58 82 -21 -3.26% Unknown -4.73 -19.55 $1,654,394
June / 2015 1611 -119 103 3 -0.65% Unknown -1.65 -18.00 $1,708,369
May / 2015 1492 45 100 -6 -1.06% Unknown -1.63 -15.73 $1,717,318
April / 2015 1537 -85 106 -19 -0.27% Unknown -2.59 -9.22 $1,733,580
March / 2015 1452 109 125 12 3.46% Unknown -4.05 -9.78 $1,736,110
January / 2015 1561 251 113 41 2.83% Unknown -6.64 -15.54 $1,710,923
December / 2014 1812 -4 72 -28 -2.28% Unknown -11.64 -17.44 $1,616,891
November / 2014 1808 143 100 30 1.37% Unknown -11.04 -16.99 $1,697,741
August / 2014 1951 -8 70 -22 -2.12% Unknown -12.25 -20.15 $1,578,846
July / 2014 1943 1582 92 11 -0.13% Unknown -11.61 -18.87 $1,610,950
June / 2014 3525 -1529 81 8 -0.63% Unknown -16.15 -19.31 $1,610,876
May / 2014 1996 -73 73 -6 -2.03% Unknown -16.83 -18.82 $1,618,765
April / 2014 1923 400 79 0 -1.77% Unknown -14.42 -17.63 $1,649,837
March / 2014 2323 -407 79 -41 -2.88% Unknown -13.43 -16.97 $1,677,146
February / 2014 1916 115 120 35 1.42% Unknown -8.55 -13.75 $1,724,436
January / 2014 2031 -3 85 -13 -2.68% Unknown -10.45 -18.50 $1,698,237
November / 2013 2028 -312 98 -29 -2.13% Unknown -4.76 -13.73 $1,768,724
October / 2013 1716 0 127 New 1.34% Unknown -4.61 -12.49 $1,804,408


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Minuteman Investment Fund LP's best month was March 2015, ranked #1452 with a HedgeScore of 125 earning a 3.46% positive return of $60,069.

Minuteman Investment Fund LP's worst month was March 2016 , ranked #1176 with a HedgeScore of 23 taking a -6.12% loss of -$87,047.


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Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!