OCCO Eastern European Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 141
Current Score: 278
Current Rank: 141
All-time Average Rank: 195
All-time Average Score: 282
Max Drawdown: -1.46
Annualized Standard Deviation: 4.29
Year to Date Return: 3.79
5-Star Rating: 4.29

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 141 80 278 18 1.47% Unknown 4.00 32.99 $125,123,348
April / 2016 221 -39 260 -5 -0.04% Unknown 2.47 28.95 $124,157,373
March / 2016 182 -142 265 -19 0.03% Unknown 2.89 29.58 $122,448,246
February / 2016 40 16 284 7 3.27% Unknown 4.31 29.01 $123,403,303
January / 2016 56 67 277 1 -0.95% Unknown 0.00 23.94 $410,000,000
November / 2015 123 55 276 4 0.97% Unknown 4.44 30.98 $121,030,663
October / 2015 178 -7 272 9 0.79% Unknown 2.78 30.85 $121,297,221
August / 2015 171 55 263 -7 0.17% Unknown 0.81 32.43 $125,942,039
July / 2015 226 61 270 23 0.55% Unknown 1.93 31.70 $127,567,127
June / 2015 287 -33 247 -20 -1.46% Unknown 0.59 32.67 $127,597,248
May / 2015 254 -49 267 -7 -0.02% Unknown 3.34 35.50 $131,952,192
April / 2015 205 -17 274 -10 0.37% Unknown 3.88 33.97 $132,833,039
March / 2015 188 155 284 29 1.41% Unknown 3.66 36.35 $155,098,752
February / 2015 343 -285 255 -76 -0.99% Unknown 0.21 39.68 $158,124,612
January / 2015 58 326 331 86 4.01% Unknown 1.06 41.08 $527,500,000
December / 2014 384 -30 245 -14 -0.66% Unknown -2.56 37.33 $160,872,509
November / 2014 354 -76 259 -8 -0.63% Unknown -0.58 40.50 $201,548,556
October / 2014 278 -41 267 -19 -1.69% Unknown 1.34 43.51 $202,230,454
September / 2014 237 -63 286 -18 -0.12% Unknown 3.69 49.98 $210,879,035
August / 2014 174 40 304 25 1.29% Unknown 4.34 55.12 $214,765,364
July / 2014 214 -37 279 -29 -0.77% Unknown 2.07 55.76 $217,840,390
June / 2014 177 -19 308 4 1.23% Unknown 6.69 61.74 $219,525,637
May / 2014 158 -23 304 3 0.50% Unknown 6.21 68.46 $223,667,890
April / 2014 135 115 301 14 0.17% Unknown 6.19 73.28 $222,955,705
March / 2014 250 -126 287 -26 -1.97% Unknown 7.99 85.24 $222,983,654
January / 2014 124 31 313 -11 0.29% Unknown 9.55 104.81 $228,229,610
November / 2013 155 -2 324 6 1.29% Unknown 11.53 109.51 $235,939,717
October / 2013 153 0 318 New 0.59% Unknown 10.24 107.44 $232,925,767


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund January 2015


Top 100 Hedge Fund January 2016
Top 100 Hedge Fund February 2016


OCCO Eastern European Fund's best month was January 2015, ranked #58 with a HedgeScore of 331 earning a 4.01% positive return of $21,152,750.

OCCO Eastern European Fund's worst month was March 2014 , ranked #250 with a HedgeScore of 287 taking a -1.97% loss of -$4,392,778.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!