Parus Fund PLC EUR

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 846
All-time Average Score: 194
Max Drawdown:
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Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
November / 2015 429 307 198 21 1.41% Unknown 10.96 75.72
October / 2015 736 -178 177 -11 -1.67% Unknown 13.79 74.63
August / 2015 558 -95 188 -35 -0.43% Unknown 14.51 94.35
July / 2015 463 67 223 15 5.46% Unknown 20.05 88.34
June / 2015 530 172 208 13 3.74% Unknown 9.79 90.32
May / 2015 702 456 195 44 1.88% Unknown 5.92 76.75
April / 2015 1158 -518 151 -52 -5.47% Unknown 6.03 64.08
March / 2015 640 423 203 35 3.57% Unknown 9.07 73.98
February / 2015 1063 -282 168 -17 1.42% Unknown -0.73 77.81
January / 2015 781 303 185 19 1.07% Unknown 3.22 78.65
December / 2014 1084 -340 166 -39 -1.25% Unknown 3.73 66.49
November / 2014 744 163 205 21 4.00% Unknown 9.01 78.37
October / 2014 907 671 184 3 0.31% Unknown 6.14 76.35
September / 2014 1578 -791 181 -29 -0.20% Unknown 8.81 72.82
August / 2014 787 432 210 49 4.39% Unknown 12.83 81.35
July / 2014 1219 12 161 -36 -3.56% Unknown 10.18 79.29
June / 2014 1231 -447 197 -10 0.09% Unknown 21.24 99.10
May / 2014 784 243 207 32 1.98% Unknown 19.53 97.73
April / 2014 1027 229 175 -1 -2.76% Unknown 20.45 99.90
March / 2014 1256 -708 176 -68 -5.73% Unknown 23.12 128.33
February / 2014 548 30 244 21 5.45% Unknown 33.45 160.09
January / 2014 578 219 223 5 1.57% Unknown 25.75 139.27
November / 2013 797 -97 218 -5 1.26% Unknown 23.11 132.42
October / 2013 700 0 223 New 2.83% Unknown 25.00 115.48


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Parus Fund PLC EUR's best month was July 2015, ranked #463 with a HedgeScore of 223 earning a 5.46% positive return.

Parus Fund PLC EUR's worst month was March 2014 , ranked #1256 with a HedgeScore of 176 taking a -5.73% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!