Parus Fund PLC USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 843
All-time Average Score: 195
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
November / 2015 443 301 196 20 1.25% Unknown 10.04 75.61
October / 2015 744 -187 176 -12 -1.77% Unknown 13.06 75.09
August / 2015 557 -85 188 -34 -0.36% Unknown 13.76 94.91
July / 2015 472 64 222 15 5.46% Unknown 19.12 88.82
June / 2015 536 183 207 13 3.79% Unknown 8.96 91.10
May / 2015 719 460 194 45 1.84% Unknown 5.06 77.56
April / 2015 1179 -517 149 -52 -5.62% Unknown 5.17 66.32
March / 2015 662 390 201 32 3.08% Unknown 8.38 76.61
February / 2015 1052 -272 169 -16 1.47% Unknown -0.85 81.17
January / 2015 780 292 185 18 0.92% Unknown 3.12 82.06
December / 2014 1072 -346 167 -40 -1.21% Unknown 3.75 70.35
November / 2014 726 171 207 22 4.03% Unknown 8.96 82.27
October / 2014 897 680 185 4 0.34% Unknown 6.04 80.16
September / 2014 1577 -807 181 -30 -0.30% Unknown 8.71 76.68
August / 2014 770 441 211 49 4.33% Unknown 12.88 85.72
July / 2014 1211 1 162 -36 -3.53% Unknown 10.25 83.71
June / 2014 1212 -438 198 -10 0.07% Unknown 21.25 104.03
May / 2014 774 243 208 32 1.95% Unknown 19.53 102.52
April / 2014 1017 220 176 -2 -2.74% Unknown 20.47 104.74
March / 2014 1237 -696 178 -67 -5.70% Unknown 23.00 133.86
February / 2014 541 30 245 21 5.53% Unknown 33.35 167.48
January / 2014 571 215 224 5 1.54% Unknown 25.54 145.79
November / 2013 786 -92 219 -5 1.24% Unknown 23.08 138.44
October / 2013 694 0 224 New 2.87% Unknown 25.10 120.69


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Parus Fund PLC USD's best month was February 2014, ranked #541 with a HedgeScore of 245 earning a 5.53% positive return.

Parus Fund PLC USD's worst month was March 2014 , ranked #1237 with a HedgeScore of 178 taking a -5.70% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!