Pelargos Japan Alpha Fund B

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: New
Current Score:
Current Rank:
All-time Average Rank: 328
All-time Average Score: 259
Max Drawdown:
Annualized Standard Deviation:
Year to Date Return:
5-Star Rating:

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
January / 2016 58 57 271 -10 1.27% Unknown 9.07 27.56 $98,945,368
November / 2015 115 42 281 4 2.06% Unknown 8.93 31.44 $101,870,717
October / 2015 157 116 277 42 1.88% Unknown 5.41 30.59 $104,396,753
August / 2015 273 51 235 -11 -3.01% Unknown 1.11 27.67 $101,443,502
July / 2015 324 -164 246 -42 -2.94% Unknown 3.62 31.14 $103,649,103
April / 2015 160 148 288 36 3.25% Unknown 5.22 29.67 $107,382,982
March / 2015 308 -82 252 -31 -0.27% Unknown 0.90 30.23 $99,215,121
February / 2015 226 217 283 57 4.89% Unknown 0.60 35.18 $104,425,480
January / 2015 443 -85 226 -23 -1.24% Unknown -4.66 28.58 $99,661,246
December / 2014 358 163 249 18 0.96% Unknown -6.52 31.14 $132,723,710
November / 2014 521 -36 231 0 -1.24% Unknown -5.80 33.58 $135,974,192
October / 2014 485 -110 231 -33 -1.89% Unknown -3.23 31.22 $138,375,548
September / 2014 375 170 264 26 2.06% Unknown -2.15 33.22 $141,646,567
August / 2014 545 -159 238 -11 -0.60% Unknown -3.00 28.34 $144,805,591
July / 2014 386 139 249 -7 0.23% Unknown -3.31 29.18 $147,988,386
June / 2014 525 -66 256 18 1.44% Unknown -3.23 26.40 $151,026,855
April / 2014 459 -94 238 -27 -0.99% Unknown -4.22 31.01 $154,215,997
March / 2014 365 -41 265 1 -0.56% Unknown 3.01 31.43 $154,830,838
January / 2014 324 -104 264 -45 -3.16% Unknown 10.84 34.21 $153,222,047
November / 2013 220 50 309 21 1.46% Unknown 23.34 40.98 $157,034,597
October / 2013 270 0 288 New -0.80% Unknown 24.61 39.68 $154,548,152


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund January 2016


Pelargos Japan Alpha Fund B's best month was February 2015, ranked #226 with a HedgeScore of 283 earning a 4.89% positive return of $5,106,406.

Pelargos Japan Alpha Fund B's worst month was January 2014 , ranked #324 with a HedgeScore of 264 taking a -3.16% loss of -$4,841,817.


Assets Under Management

Monthly Return Percentage

Return on Investment

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!