RGM Value Opportunity Fund LP II

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 136
Current Score: 280
Current Rank: 136
All-time Average Rank: 399
All-time Average Score: 252
Max Drawdown: -13.84
Annualized Standard Deviation: 17.15
Year to Date Return: 1.25
5-Star Rating: 17.15

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 136 192 280 38 5.10% Unknown 1.05 67.63 $90,000,000
April / 2016 328 -138 242 -22 0.60% Unknown -2.99 57.74 $86,000,000
March / 2016 190 -26 264 56 6.70% Unknown -1.73 58.21 $82,000,000
February / 2016 164 544 208 106 -1.70% Unknown -8.55 50.80 $82,000,000
January / 2016 708 -642 102 -206 -8.70% Unknown -3.80 57.24
November / 2015 66 34 308 7 4.90% Unknown 8.72 91.55 $103,000,000
October / 2015 100 64 301 36 6.10% Unknown 4.47 93.01 $98,000,000
August / 2015 164 -13 265 -23 -3.90% Unknown 5.99 123.81 $96,000,000
July / 2015 151 -86 288 -28 -1.20% Unknown 10.95 131.23 $101,000,000
June / 2015 65 68 316 13 3.50% Unknown 8.60 146.43 $102,000,000
May / 2015 133 -20 303 -4 0.90% Unknown 9.86 124.91 $98,000,000
April / 2015 113 109 307 32 2.30% Unknown 12.04 115.81 $98,000,000
March / 2015 222 -81 275 -32 -0.70% Unknown 5.03 120.41 $93,000,000
February / 2015 141 76 307 39 3.70% Unknown 5.03 138.68 $94,000,000
January / 2015 217 437 268 60 -2.50% Unknown 2.49 144.50 $90,000,000
December / 2014 654 69 208 1 1.60% Unknown 6.17 142.37
November / 2014 723 -175 207 -15 0.80% Unknown 8.37 149.19
October / 2014 548 979 222 39 4.90% Unknown 9.77 144.69
September / 2014 1527 -770 183 -29 -1.80% Unknown 7.57 132.40
August / 2014 757 247 212 32 0.60% Unknown 15.57 147.12
July / 2014 1004 -405 180 -47 -4.60% Unknown 15.14 150.04
May / 2014 599 292 227 40 2.90% Unknown 20.27 180.49
April / 2014 891 -381 187 -46 -4.10% Unknown 18.28 187.17
January / 2014 510 -384 233 -99 1.20% Unknown 21.71 242.79
November / 2013 126 9 332 7 2.10% Unknown 23.38 226.97 $79,000,000
October / 2013 135 0 325 New 2.80% Unknown 16.98 181.97 $77,000,000


This hedge fund has no awards.



Top 100 Hedge Fund June 2015
Top 100 Hedge Fund November 2015


RGM Value Opportunity Fund LP II's best month was March 2016, ranked #190 with a HedgeScore of 264 earning a 6.70% positive return of $5,494,000.

RGM Value Opportunity Fund LP II's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #708 with a HedgeScore of 102 taking a -8.70% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!