SR Global Fund C International USD

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1705
Current Score: 53
Current Rank: 1705
All-time Average Rank: 1509
All-time Average Score: 127
Max Drawdown: -21.86
Annualized Standard Deviation: 13.04
Year to Date Return: -11.78
5-Star Rating: 13.04

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1705 -110 53 -56 -5.90% Unknown -21.86
April / 2016 1595 -847 109 6 3.30% Unknown -13.70
February / 2016 748 148 103 44 0.70% Unknown -9.78
January / 2016 896 -90 59 -89 -10.50% Unknown -8.98
November / 2015 806 -173 148 -43 -2.40% Unknown 12.12
October / 2015 633 96 191 22 2.60% Unknown 23.72
August / 2015 729 70 169 -12 -2.50% Unknown 32.77
July / 2015 799 28 181 7 -0.80% Unknown 36.85
June / 2015 827 -302 174 -44 -2.60% Unknown 37.68
May / 2015 525 713 218 73 3.92% Unknown 47.01
March / 2015 1238 39 145 -3 0.20% Unknown 24.91
February / 2015 1277 -113 148 -1 1.60% Unknown 20.92
January / 2015 1164 291 149 23 3.30% Unknown 16.04
December / 2014 1455 -9 126 -16 3.20% Unknown 2.33
November / 2014 1446 25 142 10 7.70% Unknown 4.32
October / 2014 1471 1978 132 25 4.30% Unknown 4.03
September / 2014 3449 -1621 107 -5 2.50% Unknown -1.66
August / 2014 1828 139 112 25 0.50% Unknown 1.41
July / 2014 1967 1213 87 -25 -0.20% Unknown -1.51
June / 2014 3180 -1261 112 13 4.00% Unknown -1.51
May / 2014 1919 55 99 47 2.60% Unknown -7.20
April / 2014 1974 310 52 -38 -6.60% Unknown -9.37
March / 2014 2284 -269 90 -15 -3.00% Unknown 0.24
February / 2014 2015 -19 105 11 -2.50% Unknown 5.72
January / 2014 1996 -777 94 -87 -8.90% Unknown 10.38
November / 2013 1219 390 181 43 7.40% Unknown 39.42
October / 2013 1609 0 138 New -1.40% Unknown 36.83


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


SR Global Fund C International USD's best month was November 2014, ranked #1446 with a HedgeScore of 142 earning a 7.70% positive return.

SR Global Fund C International USD's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #896 with a HedgeScore of 59 taking a -10.50% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!