Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 780
Current Score: 156
Current Rank: 780
All-time Average Rank: 1054
All-time Average Score: 169
Max Drawdown: -33.20
Annualized Standard Deviation: 26.16
Year to Date Return: -17.16
5-Star Rating: 26.16

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 780 303 156 8 4.24% Unknown -22.76 6.81 $35,000,000
April / 2016 1083 -236 148 7 3.18% Unknown -23.20 4.22 $35,000,000
March / 2016 847 209 141 139 3.56% Unknown -23.94 $35,000,000
February / 2016 1056 -103 2 -34 -12.05% Unknown -25.97
January / 2016 953 -384 36 -153 -15.43% Unknown -8.23
December / 2015 569 53 189 19 -6.86% Unknown 5.75 $39,068,604
November / 2015 622 75 170 -13 2.90% Unknown 12.95
October / 2015 697 -128 183 -6 8.78% Unknown 10.50
September / 2015 569 -135 189 -15 -6.86% Unknown 5.75 $39,068,604
August / 2015 434 -215 204 -67 -7.92% Unknown 12.31 $39,217,444
July / 2015 219 25 271 14 2.43% Unknown 21.90 $43,089,161
June / 2015 244 20 257 -9 1.35% Unknown 15.57 $42,339,833
May / 2015 264 46 266 14 3.65% Unknown 14.04 $40,564,838
April / 2015 310 71 252 15 2.19% Unknown 11.02 $40,339,750
March / 2015 381 -76 237 -27 0.79% Unknown 7.18 $38,663,946
February / 2015 305 381 264 68 9.02% Unknown 6.28 $39,257,913
January / 2015 686 611 196 52 -2.67% Unknown 0.16 $37,238,905
December / 2014 1297 36 144 -8 0.05% Unknown 0.67
November / 2014 1333 -214 152 -14 0.66% Unknown 1.73
October / 2014 1119 1826 166 33 4.11% Unknown 2.16
September / 2014 2945 -1529 133 -17 -1.08% Unknown 1.51
August / 2014 1416 689 150 -5 -0.06% Unknown 7.85
June / 2014 2105 -815 155 -7 0.01% Unknown 11.17
May / 2014 1290 97 162 18 0.91% Unknown 10.42
April / 2014 1387 433 144 9 -1.34% Unknown 12.11
March / 2014 1820 -309 135 -20 -0.06% Unknown 14.78
February / 2014 1511 289 155 34 2.74% Unknown 16.77
January / 2014 1800 -92 121 -30 -2.16% Unknown 12.25
December / 2013 1708 -148 151 -2 1.09% Unknown 19.98
November / 2013 1560 -198 153 -9 1.09% Unknown 24.33
October / 2013 1362 0 162 New 3.44% Unknown 22.80


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


SYFOGLOMAD Ltd's best month was February 2015, ranked #305 with a HedgeScore of 264 earning a 9.02% positive return of $3,541,064.

SYFOGLOMAD Ltd's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #953 with a HedgeScore of 36 taking a -15.43% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!