Symphony Bravura 99 Fund LP

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 596
Current Score: 179
Current Rank: 596
All-time Average Rank: 753
All-time Average Score: 198
Max Drawdown: -6.10
Annualized Standard Deviation: 4.77
Year to Date Return: -6.10
5-Star Rating: 4.77

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 596 318 179 17 -0.09% Unknown -2.54 -6.85 $78,900,000
April / 2016 914 -360 162 -30 -2.65% Unknown -0.88 -6.71 $57,900,000
March / 2016 554 -372 192 -9 -1.17% Unknown 0.60 -4.31 $78,900,000
February / 2016 182 -58 201 -23 -2.29% Unknown 2.19 -4.46 $78,900,000
January / 2016 124 144 224 -6 -0.02% Unknown 6.15 -3.47 $78,900,000
November / 2015 268 84 230 0 0.37% Unknown 4.60 -3.58 $78,900,000
October / 2015 352 32 230 19 0.60% Unknown 3.85 -2.33 $78,900,000
August / 2015 384 -28 211 -28 -0.68% Unknown 2.76 -2.98 $78,900,000
July / 2015 356 86 239 19 2.26% Unknown 4.70 -2.86 $78,900,000
June / 2015 442 38 220 -2 0.49% Unknown 1.74 -5.85 $78,900,000
May / 2015 480 282 222 34 1.62% Unknown 2.42 -9.04 $78,900,000
April / 2015 762 -17 188 -13 -1.20% Unknown 0.72 -10.61 $78,900,000
February / 2015 745 109 201 23 1.50% Unknown -1.16 -8.45 $78,900,000
January / 2015 854 96 178 -7 -1.07% Unknown -1.55 -5.51 $78,900,000
November / 2014 950 -155 185 -9 -0.35% Unknown -0.40 -8.23 $78,900,000
October / 2014 795 457 194 -1 -0.36% Unknown 0.17 -5.14 $78,900,000
September / 2014 1252 -525 195 -19 -0.49% Unknown 0.68 -5.28 $78,900,000
August / 2014 727 302 214 36 1.20% Unknown 1.18 -6.34 $78,900,000
July / 2014 1029 92 178 -26 -0.63% Unknown -0.87 -7.43 $78,900,000
June / 2014 1121 -34 204 25 1.16% Unknown 0.12 -6.02 $78,900,000
May / 2014 1087 -6 179 9 -0.07% Unknown -1.90 -7.17 $78,900,000
April / 2014 1081 186 170 -5 -1.60% Unknown -2.13 -5.78 $78,900,000
March / 2014 1267 -408 175 -31 -1.08% Unknown -1.93 -3.57 $78,900,000
February / 2014 859 57 206 17 1.10% Unknown 0.05 -1.72 $78,900,000
January / 2014 916 213 189 1 0.30% Unknown -1.89 -2.84 $78,900,000
November / 2013 1129 -25 188 5 0.22% Unknown -1.14 -4.41 $78,900,000
October / 2013 1104 0 183 New 0.15% Unknown -2.33 -7.93 $78,000,000


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Symphony Bravura 99 Fund LP's best month was July 2015, ranked #356 with a HedgeScore of 239 earning a 2.26% positive return of $1,783,140.

Symphony Bravura 99 Fund LP's worst month was April 2016 , ranked #914 with a HedgeScore of 162 taking a -2.65% loss of -$1,534,350.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!