Tera High Income Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1078
Current Score: 126
Current Rank: 1078
All-time Average Rank: 1027
All-time Average Score: 160
Max Drawdown: -10.65
Annualized Standard Deviation: 6.87
Year to Date Return: 1.70
5-Star Rating: 6.87

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1078 323 126 1 0.53% Unknown -6.76 -1.52 $3,000,000
April / 2016 1401 -534 125 -13 0.25% Unknown -7.89 -0.07 $3,000,000
March / 2016 867 -34 138 49 3.53% Unknown -7.92 -0.81 $3,000,000
February / 2016 833 -14 89 9 -0.17% Unknown -14.56 -10.71 $2,214,676
January / 2016 819 294 80 -22 -2.37% Unknown -12.99 -8.32 $2,131,817
November / 2015 1113 272 102 6 -0.84% Unknown -15.75 3.75 $2,252,844
October / 2015 1385 0 96 -7 -1.80% Unknown -17.53 4.22 $2,292,964
August / 2015 1385 112 103 2 -1.45% Unknown -18.09 14.14 $2,254,791
July / 2015 1497 151 101 9 -3.64% Unknown -16.19 16.21 $2,306,007
June / 2015 1648 -445 92 -50 -2.05% Unknown -13.66 23.36
May / 2015 1203 -59 142 -11 -0.68% Unknown -11.00 24.89 $2,403,365
April / 2015 1144 -60 153 -7 0.22% Unknown -10.42 22.33 $2,476,780
March / 2015 1084 109 160 5 1.46% Unknown -9.45 21.19 $2,368,733
February / 2015 1193 205 155 26 1.66% Unknown -10.11 19.00 $2,402,595
January / 2015 1398 142 129 13 -0.95% Unknown -6.54 28.33 $2,366,024
December / 2014 1540 -550 116 -66 -7.74% Unknown -6.86 25.03 $2,590,114
November / 2014 990 -210 182 -14 -2.92% Unknown 2.87 39.56 $2,631,002
October / 2014 780 218 196 -13 -1.77% Unknown 5.37 45.93 $2,660,872
September / 2014 998 -418 209 -25 -1.56% Unknown 11.52 55.07 $2,684,444
August / 2014 580 82 234 19 0.83% Unknown 16.94 59.83 $2,765,614
July / 2014 662 32 215 -22 -0.73% Unknown 15.12 61.71 $2,755,707
June / 2014 694 -28 237 18 0.96% Unknown 19.16 68.30 $2,816,505
May / 2014 666 -26 219 -10 -0.03% Unknown 13.66 74.02 $2,762,813
March / 2014 640 -93 229 -15 0.72% Unknown 12.04 86.31 $2,718,007
February / 2014 547 275 244 46 5.71% Unknown 12.22 76.32 $2,710,150
January / 2014 822 226 198 4 -1.30% Unknown 7.60 60.37 $2,690,704
November / 2013 1048 -321 194 -26 -0.56% Unknown 6.38 41.92 $2,833,664
October / 2013 727 0 220 New 3.96% Unknown 7.17 27.53 $2,876,732


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


Tera High Income Fund's best month was February 2014, ranked #547 with a HedgeScore of 244 earning a 5.71% positive return of $154,750.

Tera High Income Fund's worst month was December 2014 , ranked #1540 with a HedgeScore of 116 taking a -7.74% loss of -$200,475.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!