The Antares European Fund Ltd EUR

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 729
Current Score: 163
Current Rank: 729
All-time Average Rank: 826
All-time Average Score: 185
Max Drawdown: -11.92
Annualized Standard Deviation: 11.67
Year to Date Return: -6.51
5-Star Rating: 11.67

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 729 724 163 42 6.15% Unknown -4.84 44.09
April / 2016 1453 -569 121 -15 -1.16% Unknown -6.32 34.36
March / 2016 884 -279 136 16 0.00% Unknown -4.68 36.97
February / 2016 605 -150 120 -24 -4.25% Unknown -1.57 37.67
January / 2016 455 -37 144 -55 -6.93% Unknown 7.57 44.11
November / 2015 418 49 199 -12 0.75% Unknown 15.79 52.35
October / 2015 467 204 211 36 2.99% Unknown 18.62 54.87
August / 2015 671 -29 175 -24 -2.09% Unknown 12.21 65.02
July / 2015 642 79 199 17 0.27% Unknown 15.80 70.65
June / 2015 721 -227 182 -39 -2.11% Unknown 16.60 77.61
May / 2015 494 201 221 24 4.49% Unknown 18.61 79.86
April / 2015 695 7 197 0 0.57% Unknown 12.07 67.76
March / 2015 702 6 197 -8 2.07% Unknown 6.76 69.25
February / 2015 708 19 205 13 4.64% Unknown 5.67 71.21
January / 2015 727 255 192 18 1.87% Unknown 5.23 62.23
December / 2014 982 -184 174 -27 -0.06% Unknown 5.89 60.24
November / 2014 798 325 201 36 3.22% Unknown 10.93 65.09
October / 2014 1123 145 165 -30 -2.43% Unknown 9.06 59.33
September / 2014 1268 -415 195 -9 0.28% Unknown 17.31 68.99
August / 2014 853 -2 204 7 1.03% Unknown 20.47 79.01
July / 2014 851 621 197 14 0.96% Unknown 16.80 81.28
June / 2014 1472 -349 183 6 -0.42% Unknown 18.77 88.12
May / 2014 1123 -95 177 2 -1.27% Unknown 16.86 85.94
April / 2014 1028 -208 175 -37 -3.08% Unknown 22.37 86.08
March / 2014 820 -155 212 0 1.03% Unknown 27.71 110.68
January / 2014 665 310 212 11 2.51% Unknown 23.59 99.11
November / 2013 975 -168 201 -10 1.46% Unknown 22.78 85.88
October / 2013 807 0 211 New 4.95% Unknown 21.56 74.65


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The Antares European Fund Ltd EUR's best month was May 2016, ranked #729 with a HedgeScore of 163 earning a 6.15% positive return.

The Antares European Fund Ltd EUR's worst month was January 2016 , ranked #455 with a HedgeScore of 144 taking a -6.93% loss.


Monthly Return Percentage

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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!