The Prosperity Quest Fund A

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 1184
Current Score: 116
Current Rank: 1184
All-time Average Rank: 1181
All-time Average Score: 143
Max Drawdown: -20.89
Annualized Standard Deviation: 22.26
Year to Date Return: 14.15
5-Star Rating: 22.26

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 1184 -147 116 -37 -2.59% Unknown -4.82 -37.75 $58,858,108
April / 2016 1037 -481 153 -39 5.81% Unknown -7.05 -37.44 $56,889,551
March / 2016 556 -79 192 53 12.29% Unknown 3.20 -40.01 $57,201,941
February / 2016 477 104 139 17 3.96% Unknown -4.01 -45.71 $49,172,160
January / 2016 581 309 122 -14 -5.11% Unknown 10.17 -46.40 $47,301,036
November / 2015 890 89 136 -16 0.48% Unknown -3.13 -33.09 $54,008,801
October / 2015 979 578 152 86 8.15% Unknown -10.62 -32.04 $63,689,555
August / 2015 1557 -2 66 -15 -5.71% Unknown -31.46 -27.17 $69,272,623
July / 2015 1555 171 81 12 -2.72% Unknown -30.00 -19.86 $73,465,788
June / 2015 1726 -204 69 -22 -7.01% Unknown -32.07 -12.97 $76,290,642
May / 2015 1522 -594 91 -82 -4.87% Unknown -22.01 -5.51 $82,108,516
April / 2015 928 575 173 54 17.47% Unknown -9.00 -11.77 $86,341,088
March / 2015 1503 -255 119 -31 4.45% Unknown -22.06 -20.16 $73,557,975
February / 2015 1248 521 150 105 19.31% Unknown -28.03 -12.86 $70,455,166
January / 2015 1769 102 45 7 -7.30% Unknown -41.17 -24.93 $59,074,842
December / 2014 1871 95 38 28 -16.77% Unknown -40.71 -14.03 $64,238,107
November / 2014 1966 15 10 -21 -7.29% Unknown -26.47 4.04
October / 2014 1981 850 31 -106 -6.23% Unknown -21.72 25.08
September / 2014 2831 -1007 137 25 -13.10% Unknown -13.32 52.94 $89,810,663
August / 2014 1824 -1181 112 -104 -4.66% Unknown 4.10 101.64
July / 2014 643 -374 216 -75 -5.61% Unknown 8.97 135.49 $109,951,504
June / 2014 269 -21 291 11 6.76% Unknown 19.89 169.36 $116,495,802
May / 2014 248 369 280 64 11.00% Unknown 4.36 154.10 $110,013,636
April / 2014 617 526 216 30 0.61% Unknown -6.63 178.73 $102,782,731
March / 2014 1143 -94 186 -4 -3.56% Unknown -11.73 195.81 $105,938,013
February / 2014 1049 -90 190 6 -2.46% Unknown -14.36 247.14 $110,061,246
January / 2014 959 -142 184 -32 -6.58% Unknown -12.92 279.65 $115,115,658
November / 2013 817 -311 216 -32 -1.30% Unknown -2.13 200.86 $124,038,595
October / 2013 506 0 248 New 3.83% Unknown -0.97 143.47 $125,981,472


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


The Prosperity Quest Fund A's best month was February 2015, ranked #1248 with a HedgeScore of 150 earning a 19.31% positive return of $13,604,893.

The Prosperity Quest Fund A's worst month was December 2014 , ranked #1871 with a HedgeScore of 38 taking a -16.77% loss of -$10,772,731.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!