UFG Russia Select Fund

Quick Statistics:

Current Rank: 325
Current Score: 229
Current Rank: 325
All-time Average Rank: 1579
All-time Average Score: 85
Max Drawdown: -10.41
Annualized Standard Deviation: 15.31
Year to Date Return: 19.83
5-Star Rating: 15.31

Recent Performance:

Month Rank Score
May / 2016 325 81 229 -1 2.03% Unknown 10.21 -21.98 $170,800,000
April / 2016 406 -98 230 -10 4.89% Unknown 6.05 -24.20 $170,800,000
March / 2016 308 501 240 147 8.60% Unknown 10.41 -29.27 $170,800,000
February / 2016 809 78 93 30 4.83% Unknown 0.14 -32.98
January / 2016 887 272 63 -30 -1.64% Unknown 2.74 -32.06
November / 2015 1159 260 93 8 1.91% Unknown 0.75 -15.65
October / 2015 1419 218 85 61 5.98% Unknown -5.39 -14.98
August / 2015 1637 6 24 -8 -4.03% Unknown -15.01 -13.62
July / 2015 1643 154 32 15 -1.54% Unknown -14.64 -10.24
June / 2015 1797 -177 17 -67 -2.93% Unknown -21.33 -7.73
April / 2015 1620 150 84 65 9.20% Unknown -2.23 -10.62
March / 2015 1770 27 19 -44 -1.50% Unknown -14.17 -16.02
February / 2015 1797 -13 63 29 7.55% Unknown -16.78 -6.32
January / 2015 1784 137 34 50 0.88% Unknown -22.55 -14.17
December / 2014 1921 43 -16 -35 -9.13% Unknown -32.81 -14.22
November / 2014 1964 -2 19 -23 -4.30% Unknown -22.83 -0.85
October / 2014 1962 6 42 -18 -1.50% Unknown -21.63 4.62
August / 2014 1968 63 60 13 -3.62% Unknown -9.17 32.43
July / 2014 2031 251 47 -101 -9.26% Unknown -7.03 42.20
June / 2014 2282 -569 148 22 6.99% Unknown 4.09 63.40
May / 2014 1713 259 126 73 10.71% Unknown -3.26 38.77
April / 2014 1972 389 53 -10 -4.14% Unknown -14.02 44.72
March / 2014 2361 -325 63 -35 -4.50% Unknown -11.74 68.48
February / 2014 2036 40 98 46 0.10% Unknown -11.73 92.39
January / 2014 2076 -308 52 -81 -12.49% Unknown -14.86 101.69
November / 2013 1768 -537 133 -39 -2.81% Unknown 0.21 90.29
October / 2013 1231 0 172 New 3.73% Unknown 0.42 76.96


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This hedge fund has not won any awards or trophies that we currently track. Are we missing something?


UFG Russia Select Fund's best month was May 2014, ranked #1713 with a HedgeScore of 126 earning a 10.71% positive return.

UFG Russia Select Fund's worst month was January 2014 , ranked #2076 with a HedgeScore of 52 taking a -12.49% loss.


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Obligatory disclaimer: All of our data is crawled from the web and our understanding is that all hedge fund data is self-reported, meaning the data is only as good as the discloser is honest, and we obviously can't vouch for that. HedgeFundRanks.com is not an investment advisor. Use our rankings at your own risk!